Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

OK - Let’'s tackle the Battlefield issue, from what is now known about some of you, and your beliefs.

@jpinard doesn’t like it when people are poor. The poor need more money, and THINGS!

Other people, including @Menzo here think that the issue is about ‘Women, really’.

EA earn a lot of money - a lot of it comes from selling Fifa cards and ‘Loot boxes’. ‘Loot Boxes’ are ‘not real things’ - the Fifa cards are also ‘not real’. Mmmh… this sounds a bit like that thing called ‘Gambling’. Gambling is known to keep poor people poor, and to make poor people out of rich people.

Those products attract poor people to buy them. The poor get poorer as a result.

So, why do people give EA the benefit of the doubt, and think that Battlefield is only about ‘Women’, instead of it being about EA?

Seems like the route to poverty leads through In-game monetisation valley. Oh, but there are women there, promises EA.

You’re embarrassing yourself.

Sorry, bub, but your posts don’t magically go down the memory hole here on the Internet. In that BF5 thread you never once mentioned gambling as an issue you had.

First it was about how you can’t get your mind around the changing role of violence against women in gaming.

Then it was about the controversy itself. About how maybe someone might be called a sexist if they said they didn’t like BF5.

Now suddenly it’s about gambling. But EA isn’t the only company that puts loot boxes and loot box-like features in their games. I missed all your rants about Blizzard and Hearthstone, for example. Maybe you posted them under a different name, maybe?

Oh, and PS - EA have said that BF5 will not have loot boxes.

But leave it to some asshole on the internet to make me an EA defender. Ugh.

So I still don’t think we’ve heard from you about what your real issues are, I mean I guess except that you really, really hate EA. But you have told us a lot about what you think of us. And how disappointed you are in us.

Great speech.

@jpinard If you really want to get into a language debate, then, when you say:

“disadvantaged have been forced into awful living (if you can call it that) circumstances just so Trump and his buddies can make a few extra bucks”

What is the meaning of ‘Just so’?
According to Google definition, it mostly means:



1.based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.

“a just and democratic society”

So, you’ve described these issues as being ‘Just’ on the part of Donald Trump.
You might consider that to be a form of extreme nitpicking, but there is a difference between how you meant it, and how it reads - as the opposite of what you mean. You have declared Trump to be ‘Just’, without meaning it - that is the power of language.

I used to try and explain this stuff to people, especially to those on the left- they didn’t want to know. So, when I say that English isn’t my first language, I mean it - because English isn’t anybody’s ‘First Language’. Taught language teaches us to be taught.

That was the joke about the ‘Tower of Babel’ and the cursing of misunderstanding via language.

Hahaha oh my god dude what the fuck

So you lied from the first post while pretending to be someone else. Awesome.

Can we get this fuckwit out of here now?

@ShivaX Then who are you not pretending to be?

It feels like we’re just a few posts away from Holocaust denial and/or “This was all a sociology experiment I’ve been conducting” gibberish.

Trust me it hurts when one realises that one has been falling for basic language tricks like the example earlier, for most of life. But then one will try to forget… again… and again.

In truth, sarcasm doesn’t give anybody power.

What kind of happy horseshit is this?

Damn. Now he’ll tell me I just said I’m happy to read his horseshit.

He got me.

Holy shit. I can hear your fedora through the Internet, homie. Are you sure there’s not a Mensa meeting you should be at? Instead of hanging out here in the cave with us rubes?

Jesus fuck, this guy.

I miss Dawn Falcon