Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

So people are moving into Hungary, aren’t auto-magically looking or acting like other Hungarians when they do?

They had 1300 or so Muslim immigrants. That’s it, enough to get large majorities to vote for an incredibly corrupt and openly racist party.

Dear god, there’s what almost 10 million people in that country and we’re talking about less than 1500 people. Man bring them over here. We could use some diversity in this part of the world.

Seriously. But not in my backyard, amirite? lolerskates

They can live in my backyard for free as long as they mow the lawn and clean up the dog poop.

“The study also revealed a generational difference in knowledge. For example, though 11% of all respondents either hadn’t heard of the Holocaust or weren’t sure if they had, that number was 22% among Millennials. And, while 41% of respondents overall did not know what Auschwitz was, that figure was 66% among Millennials.”

I swear the next holocaust will start with a meme on some idiot’s YouTube channel.

I posted that article on FB and got a “Hoax” bot/troll reply within 1 minute.

The Holocaust has happened again, at least twice, albeit at slightly smaller scale (Cambodia, Rwanda). Unless we’re specifically talking about a Holocaust against Jews.

If it’s true that 66% of Millennials have never heard of Auschwitz, then fuck our educational system.

That’s why you need to punch Nazis, folks.

“But there are things that really surprised us. Like, 80% of Americans have never been to a Holocaust museum, and that’s pretty surprising given the number of them. There are places where you can learn about the Holocaust all over the country.”

This statement shows such a disconnect from the reality of the world for not a small amount of people. Assuming it was within a few hours, and even today some people can live and die and never leave their immediate area, what makes anyone think their destination would be a Holocaust museum?

I think a better poll would be how many people would push for another Holocaust so they could get a few more bucks in their paychecks and feel like they get to keep what they think is their values. I think that number is a lot higher than anyone wants to admit.

I’ve posted the link before, but approximately 50% of Japanese and a similar percentage of Americans don’t know that we fought against the Japanese in WWII. I guess they think it was Hitler vs Everybody? Or else maybe the Russians were involved in some way.

We’re super fucked.

I’m aware of that. My point is that mass scale genocide has happened more than once since 1945. Whether the comment is relevant to the above poll ultimately depends on how one defines “another Holocaust.” I chose a broad definition.

There are also quite a few apologists who argue pedantically that because some event happened before the word Genocide was coined in the 1940s, that nothing which happened before that can be referred to as a genocide, e.g. vs Native Americans, or Armenians in Turkey.

Pretty sure I graduated from high school with American History never quite making it past WWI by the end of the year.

That said, I did know about the Holocaust in high school. I had a class where we watched and discussed Night and Fog.

I remember being aware of the Holocaust by high school but also do not remember any significant time being spent on it in class until college (I’m in my 30s and a millennial by the seemingly widely accepted definition of those born roughly 1980-1995).

I get why our education system doesn’t emphasize the Holocaust too much. In addition to happening someplace other than the USA (it’s hard getting Americans to care about histories of people outside of themselves), doing so gives rise to questions about the US’ own genocides that a high percentage of people still have a hard time grappling with. I don’t agree with its being largely ignored, but such is the nature of history or ‘social studies’ in the USA. On the other hand, Germany seems to have done an okay job of teaching the Holocaust despite it happening within living memory for some. Meanwhile, back here, no one alive participated in slavery, yet some people get testy when you suggest that it constituted a genocide.

That’s crazy that you guys never covered it in history classes. What kind if high schools did you attend? I’m dumbfounded by that!

If memory serves, I think in high school history, the atrocities against Native Americans were referred to as “massacres”. Then again, Custer’s Last Stand was also referred to as such. The Holocaust was only used in reference to, well, the real thing.

It was definitely a very anticeptic telling of history. We learned things like the Trail of Tears, but not the things that drove it, the true horror of it. Things like Manifest Destiny were taught as ‘the American Spirit forming a nation’, not a racist policy that displaced and killed so many Native American tribes, and destroyed entire cultures and history, and the consequences live on today with the poverty of the reservations.

I mean we learned the names, but never the weight. Not for those. The Holocaust, and WWII more broadly, we did get that. Might have just been my teachers, but the terribleness of it was impressed on us.

Do they also believe that electrons did not exist until 1891?