Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

The man has been posting white pride and Neo Nazis crap before this; she knows. He’s shifted to apology mode, but no reason to give him or his wife any benefit of the doubt.

What can we do to get Microsoft to dump them? This needs to happen ASAP.

Hammer shit like this on social media and actual news if you can is the best bet.

Why the hell isnt the justice department beating down the doors of people who post stuff like that?

Because offing a few of these kikes will just reduce the amount donated to the Democratic Party. The Republican Party has become the party of by any means necessary, the republic, truth, fairness and human decency be damned.

So when fascists ask us to pray for them, who is their god we pray to? Satan?


These Nazis are so consistently whiney little bitches. I can only imagine the howls of free speech violations directed toward a private company choosing to no longer host this bullshit by these champions of conservative constitutionality.

Looks like Microsoft dumped them last month:

Good for MS! Being pro-active.

I’m sure making common cause with white supremacists will work out real well for an Indian-born immigrant, in the long run.