Neo Nazis and the Alt Right

I think it is important to look at the county’s income rather than the City’s income, because in these lower population counties a lot of the kids in a school end up living in larger homes outside of the city limits, either way it is on the low side of the median for the state, and the county itself is smack dab in the median, but that is skewed by the 2 larger cities with much higher incomes.

What I am saying is maybe not “rich” but clueless white kids.

Obviously what they did was stupid, and definitely is offensive but I think some of the reactions (which have largely blown over for the next outrage bomb) were a bit over-the-top as Baraboo is a fairly liberal area that is super white, and the people I personally know that live there are in the “rich kid” category.

This is all part of how youth humor has moved in the last few years. Kids are into shock humor now, pushing buttons (I think we all were to some degree as teens) and I think that mimmicking a Nazi salute is a bit far, definitely shocking, it is kind of the mindset these kids get into as what is acceptable and funny when they are in a ~95% white area, with nobody to say “that actually is pretty stupid and offensive”

None of these kids are Nazis, they are just idiots.

I’ll let you decide.





I mean, it can be a totally innocent gesture, which is the point. They can throw it out there then claim “Oh gosh, snowflake, it was just an okay sign! Look, here’s a picture of Obama making the gesture!”.

How long has it been a white power symbol? I know it wasn’t always like that.

I don’t know, seems to be a pretty recent thing. At least, I only noticed it since the Trump administration. Maybe it was going on for far longer, but just completely flew under my radar.

Personally, I don’t have problems using “OK”. Fuck those guys, they don’t get to take ownership of it. But I also think it’s fair to call out the white supremacists when they throw it out with a knowing smirk.

I hate Illinois Nazis.

Not that long. Some channers “made it up” or something but then all the actual racists adopted it and started using it to show their racism.
But then they laugh when people call it racist, cause they made it up. It’s a feedback loop of stupidity. And racism.

Know your meme!

See, there IS something the Left and Right can agree on in this country!


Maybe thumbs-up could become a white supremacist symbol. Then we can all be Nazis!


This happened yesterday:

But he was probably just fooling around, right?

He was in the middle of waving to the actors. That’s all.

Just some innocent tomfoolery. Ha ha! 👌

I’m familiar with the finger thing as a symbol of a totalitarian regime, but not necessarily a white nationalist one.

Wasn’t Summon Troll Swarm a D&D spell?

No, I believe it’s a GOP spell.

If the GOP is casting spells we need to start hunting for witches.
