Nintendo Switch

Nintendo 64 controller for Switch confirmed then! :P

Going live!

We’re getting Bayonetta 3 news this time. I can feel it.

Voice of Cards is a new Yoko Taro game with a demo launching today!

I saw that initially and was like wait yall are we actually getting a new Baten Kaitos I was joking earl oh no this is some other thing, hah.

Is the video occasionally pausing (while audio continues) for anyone else, or is my pc just being fucky?

No issues here.

Looks fine to me.

That Kirby game is the first thing they’ve shown that I think will get my kids interested.

Kirby looked gorgeous, but my gf is losing her mind over Brewster in ACNH :D

Well there you have it. Nintendo 64 emulation :)


Haven’t played most of these games, so not a lot of nostalgic selling factor for me. Except for Golden Axe… have fond memories of that one.

Holy crap, I did not have ActRaiser remake on my bingo card, but that’s a great surprise!

I really don’t dig the new visuals. Weirdly disjointed mix. That said, the new take on the soundtrack is something I’m game for.

That is some voice cast list.

I love these Directs where the game ‘launches today’. I’m going to be tempted by the GBA Castlevanias I think.

Luigi? That’s Charlie work.

Dammit. We haven’t yet managed to get through Squids 2. Love the concept, but doesn’t really have staying power for us.

Wish they would make a coop story mode for 2-4 players. Think it would get a lot more play from us then.

Bayonnetta 3 looks pretty sweet.