Nintendo Switch


Wait, we don’t like previews now? Since when!? I keep missing memos.

Opinions expressed in my posts are solely my own, although I confess to be a huge influence on a large portion of the interweb.

Man, I miss previews.

Find someone that looks at you the way I look at this animated wallpaper.


I see that Steamworld Quest is on sale for 40% off. That’s tempting. What were the impressions of that when it came out?

It’s awesome

I was mediocre on it myself. Played about 2/3rds of the campaign. I felt like there were a few obviously good strategies and combat felt too routine. The in-between exploration/puzzles felt like filler.

Humor/Writing wasn’t my thing.

For my money, I’d rather play Slay the Spire, but it’s entertaining enough. As a narrative driven game, the combat system doesn’t really get to flex until the very end.

@Dunqan Tip: March 10 is Mar10 day - there will no doubt be a sale and a bunch of good deals on all the Mario games on Tuesday.

Phoenix Wright meets Picross? Sign me up!

This is a pretty cool tweet thread about design feel in Celeste

This looks pretty fun. Anybody played?

Interesting, there aren’t many entries in the Spy Party genre.

It’s only $6 so I’m going to make my kids play it with me.

I think I’ll pick it up too.

I did the same - a lot of fun! Only played for an hour or so with 2 of my kids, but the games we played seemed very well-balanced so far.

Wow, Animal Crossing is quite beloved so far.

huh - but its not out until friday?

edit: oh - its reviewers.

Am excited!