No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Not maybe; NEXT has been confirmed to have proper multiplayer. It’s about the only thing they have confirmed so far. :)

Most stuff outside of the trinkets and the junk has a crafting use, but I don’t think there is currently any use for the Pugneum. Of course that may change in a couple of weeks!

Just a note about probably my favorite part of the game and not one I would have expected. I love, love, LOVE piloting my ship onto and around planets. I just think it’s so cool and it feels so right the way you enter the atmosphere, turning the nose vs. tilting the wings. They really nailed that part for me. How when you want to get to a spot on the other side of the planet your best play is to launch back into outer space where you can haul ass and re-enter near the spot. Now I’m not the best yet at dogfighting but I think I’m doing better and I just got a shield boost which hopefully helps a lot. For now I can handle any of the “low level” missions but if I’m set upon my two or more I’m losing more than I’m winning.

Discovered/Explored the other frosty planet in my home system last night. Less Emeril on this one, but lots of Iridium and other elements, plus so many caves that I am swimming in marrow bulbs. POIs are also few and far between, as much of the planet is water. One cool thing, I found several more Vortex Cubes lying on the ground in the cave system. Banking those for later, along with a bunch of Omegon I found for sale for cheap off a Vy’Keen ship docked at a Trading Post. Looks like Omegon is used later in the construction of the Tier 3 upgrades to tool/suit/ship mods and is pretty rare.

Found two more drop ships and upgraded the Cargo slots on my Exosuit so I can lug around a pair of 500 stacks of whatever. Expensive at 50K and 100K, but given that I’m at 80K now for a regular slot upgrade, it seemed money well spent.

I know the object of the game is to keep advancing towards the galactic core or whatever, but honestly my current system is pretty cool and I’m having fun exploring it. It’s also got so many fantastic resources that I really have no need to move on until I absolutely have to.

Not the Convergence Cubes like for raising faction with the Korvax? What are they worth?

Got your v1 Atlas Pass yet? It opens up a bunch of those barrels usually near the standard rusty green case, red and yellow containers (goody bags) and it often pops out the parts needed to complete a Warp Cell.

I’ve been out now to 5 or 6 different systems and typically go down and have a look at all the planets and moons for posterity. While pursuing Atlas I came into a couple of systems to which I was not the first Traveller to discover - thought that was pretty cool. (Tip o’ the cap to THEB0SS) Have to say I didn’t find anything that turned my head from my home planet - the 2nd planet I discovered in my first system. I considered one where the starter base module was in sight of a trading station; thought it would be pretty cool to watch other space ships take off and land all the time. But it is sort of noisy being under the flight path and besides, not a great planet, too hot and little but rock and minerals to see besides.

No, I’m set up really nice at my base. A short hop to my planet’s moon which is cold but has passive sentinels and a ton of gold to mine. Just this morning I put in a little work and pocketed 1.5 M for a half hour, maybe 45 minutes work.

Been upgrading the Exosuit like a mother too. Where I’m really tight right now is with my Multi-tool. Upgraded once already and turned my Class C starter into a Class B piece but only 7 slots. I see others with like 10 or 12 but they are typically Class C and I don’t want the downgrade. Found one, should have marked it, a great Class A but I’m well short of funds still.

{edit to add: Just after that came across a Class B multi-tool w/ 22 slots! Game changer.}

I’m keeping up with the farming; have gotten to the Gravatino Ball. The military Vy’Keen guy seems to have hit a dead end after a few of his missions. Likewise the Korvax scholar.

Nope, Vortex Cube is different, they look like mini monoliths/knowledge stones. Worth a lot and looks like it’s an ingredient for the Theta level of starship weapons upgrades.

I do not have an Atlas Pass yet. I guess I should take the next steps on the Atlas path…I’ve been avoiding it while busy doing all the base quests for the scientist, overseer and weapons dealer. Finished the scientist line, so he’s no longer giving out tasks. I think I am on the final weapons dealer task as well, but running into what may be a bug?

I’m supposed to destroy a sentinel starship. I launched into orbit, and one appeared and scanned me. As I banked and got ready to fight, he disappeared with a message about “Anomaly Detected / Escape / Escape” or something similar. WTF? Now there is no Sentinel activity in space in my system, so I apparently need to go elsewhere to finish the mission. I will abandon it for now and focus on my other missions and the Atlas path, hopefully running into a Sentinel ship at some point along the way.

Didn’t play much as I was out of town this weekend. I basically just restocked my resources, sold some more Emeril and advanced the Scientist questline to it’s seeming conclusion. Docked with my first Freighter, but it was 80mil and didn’t seem to have many slots…so I just traded with some other ships in the landing bay and took off again.

Well crap, I ended up having to roll back a save point and losing a couple of hours of work. Turns out that Weapons Vendor quest to kill a Sentinel spaceship wasn’t bugged out, the timing was just off. Next time I launched into space, a Sentinel capital ship warped in next to me and at least 4 sentinel fighter ships emerged from it and lit me up like the 4th of July. I tried reloading and fighting the battle half a dozen times, but I couldn’t even down one fighter before they blew me away, even when I ran back down into the planet’s atmosphere and tried to take them on that way, the four of them never split up and always seemed to hit me no matter how much juking I was doing. I fucking hate the space combat in this game.

So I restored to the backup save, the one made a couple hours prior to accepting the Weapons Vendor “kill Sentinel spaceships” quest. I had to redo the last few steps in the Korvax Scientist quest, and a couple more steps in the Weapons Vendor quest, and I had to go re-collect all the resources and cash I’d made after that save point, but a couple of hours later I was good. In fact, I think I am better off now, as I found some additional waypoints, upgraded my exosuit with another cargo slot, gained some additional Vy’Keen faction and words, and completed the next step on both the Awakenings and Atlas paths.

I’m not touching that damn Weapons guy quest until I have a ship that can basically kill stuff for me. Maybe one of those 70mil 40+ slot ships I see in the space station near the Atlas station. In the meantime, I need to look for the Korvax and Gek helpers for the Atlas path. Not sure where they are, but they have stuff I want (and apparently hints as to where to go next).

You don’t need an ultra-expensive ship for space combat, but you do need a moderate number of slots with decent weapons and shields, so the starting ship may not cut it. However an average mid-size ship found early on and refurbished is good enough. Some of the weapons are way better than others. So far as I can tell there’s not much point to flying very deliberately in combat because all the enemies are so mobile; I consider the space combat to be a more of a turret game than anything else. Though it does seem like it’s better to keep moving, and there are exceptions eg combat around one of the giant freighters or in a planetary atmosphere. But in deep space, I mainly just spin around shooting at things.

What are the best weapons for space combat in your opinion? I’ll take that to heart next time; relatively motionless and just turn and attempt to target. But I’m more in SM’s camp - I try to avoid fights. I thought I was getting the hang of it but lately I see a message saying “Bounty” or “Mostly Harmless” and some unit reward. The enemy ship is 3-star rated and I haven’t beaten it yet. Came pretty close once and if I’d had a another stack of a yellow element I might have been able to maintain shields long enough to outlast it.

Been playing around having fun with my new 22 slot multi-tool. I have a lot of Mining updates but not the combat ones. I have a ton of updates for the Boltcaster weapon but more and more I’m loving the Blaze Javelin. One-shots anything 2m or smaller; two-shots the sentinel drones. Has a built-in ‘kick’ that means you have to aim low but it’s pretty amazing.

What’s the deal with Portals and planet Glyphs? It doesn’t appear my game saves a learned set of Glyphs meaning I have to write it down or snap a picture to my phone? Should I care after a given quest-line has moved on?

Came sooo close to buying an S-class fighter. I was short only a half million on trading in my B-class shuttle but I also would have given up a bunch of slots. But S-class is the way to go, right?

Uh… it’s been quite a while since I played last, so I can’t actually remember which weapon I liked best. I just remember that they varied enormously in usefulness. But yeah, a 3-star foe isn’t trivial, and a group of them is bad news because it’s hard to stay on target with one while the whole bunch of them is zipping all over the place hammering you. You might have to upgrade a bunch of things if they are kicking your ass now.

Finally got to the anomaly and gained my Atlas Pass v.1 last night. Wooo! Can’t wait to loot all those containers and open some doors. Also landed on an already discovered planet that had hostile sentinels, so quickly completed my pair of “kill some sentinels” missions and collected enough sentinel innards to appease the overseer at my home base. Was rewarded on all three counts with nice blueprints.

In fact, I have completed several tasks and interacted with several aliens and tech that gave out blueprints over the past couple of sessions. It’s time to take stock of what I have, what I can use, and what materials building them requires, and go resource hunting. I’m also at the overseer mission to start farming at my base, which would be nice. I can also build an autonomous mining unit or two and let them loose on the Emeril deposits right outside my base. And there is still the next steps in both the Atlas and Awakenings quest paths.

So many fun things to do in this game…so little time to play.

If I have a complaint about blueprints it is that unless you have an open, available box in which to potentially craft something you have no way to know what other things you know that you can craft and what is the cost in materials to craft it. This affects me mainly with my multi-tool.

Loving my Atlas Pass v.1, suddenly warp cells are sooooo much easier to make when the ingredients are spilling out of containers all over the planet(s).

Spent some time restocking resources and building some improvements for my multi-tool, ship’s weapons and exosuit. Also mined a bit more Emeril (BAM!) and now have around 3mil in my pocket even after a couple of expensive exosuit cargo slot add-ons at local drop pods. Advanced the Artemis path a bit more as well.

Honestly though, I feel very little urgency to advance Atlas or Artemis quest lines at this point. I am enjoying flying around the planets in my system, discovering stuff, stockpiling resources, doing my base improvement quests, doing missions for the space station dudes, making money, gaining blueprints, meeting aliens, learning the languages (I’m pretty far along in both Korvax and Vy’Keen at this point), and gaining faction. Once I get farming up and running at my base I will move along the Atlas path and explore more systems, but for now I’m very content just to enjoy the chill experience of exploring my system and collecting resources, upgrades and cash. This game scratches my Minecraft itch, my space game itch and my chill, relaxing, just-one-more-thing-to-do itch all at once. Best $18 I’ve spent on a game in a long time.

I’m going to miss it for the next two weeks while on vacation. I’ll only have my Surface with me, and not much time for gaming anyway.

I was a bit the opposite. I felt the urge to get Artemis ‘out of the way’ so I could explore in peace, so I mostly blitzed through it. :)

Ringed planets ‘confirmed’:

I have been just playing the game and not trying to micro-manage anything and genuinely having the most amazing experience. I’d accrued about 20 Million units and have spent plenty along the way upgrading a few things here and there and expanding my Exosuit capability. But I finally decided to see what I could to to earn units a bit faster. I googled some things and some people are really ambitious. Me, I just want to have my hands on 100 M before I upgrade my ship (which I’ve been waiting to do a long time… 27 slots doesn’t seem like so much now).

The idea of farming for units caught my eye and I checked blueprints/recipes to things I had learned and put it together that I could build a largish cuboid building and fill it with the 4x hydroponic growers and the proper ratio of things based on grow times and yields. Circuit Boards? Living Glass? Liquid Explosive? I’m your man. I don’t own any blueprints yet with which I can build the really spendy items like Superconductors but each of those net about 1 M each. If I go out and explore for 2 hours and come back and harvest I make about 10 M easy money; rinse and repeat. I planted some extra cactus and solanium (the slow growers) so that if I come back in 1 hour and re-harvest everything else (and let it regrow and pick again next hour) I can double that. 100 M here I come!

My googling also led me to the understanding about blueprints and crafted item recipes. You get some for missions or from buying them from spacestation merchants, but the desirable ones for things you can craft and sell come from NPCs sitting around in the on planet bases; the observatories and the manufacturing centers and the like. The trick is to give them the right answer (hint: with the Gek it’s usually giving them units) and be rewarded with a new recipe. Fortunately w/o really trying I’d gotten a lot of these and I think you are given better and better recipes the more you do of them; they’re not randomized like that. So for now when I’m not tending my farm I’m warping somewhere new and taking missions and trying to get the next recipe.

As shallow as this game is VR NMS might get me to pony up for PS VR headset.

Units making scheme has paid off. I upgraded my 27 cargo squared B Class Shuttle to a spiffy B Class Hauler with 47 cargo squares. I was able to deconstruct all of the ‘blueprints’ i had installed and transfer everything over and then I went about re-construction (most of) the blueprints in my new ship. It was a difference of about 50 M Units and I had over 100 on hand so happy to do it. I’d just missed out on a sweet A Class Hauler with 40 plus slots but it was 5 M more than what I had on hand. And of course as fate would have it just as I settled in to my new Hauler I spotted an A Class that I could afford only I didn’t want to go through re-creating the blueprints again.

That let directly to my taking up the Atlas path again and I got thrown into an entirely new Universe. I started in Euclid as everyone does and now I’m in in the Hilbert Dimension. My ship ends up crashed and literally every last piece of equipment in my ship, my multi-tool and in my exosuit need repairing! I happened to not have much Iron on hand and with my mining tool not working I was stuck until I realized I could de-construct some of those blueprints and re-claim enough Iron to get the tool working and get the rest of what I needed.

Now come to find out I have no way back to Euclid, is that correct? I guess I had been meaning to do-over my base but I’m going to miss my home planet, it was sweet.

Just started up a new game for the hell of it, and almost the first crashed ship I found was an A-rated fighter with swoopy lines and an unobstructed cockpit view!

Can you not teleport back to your base from a station?

The discussion here is making me want to play again. Trying to hold off for the XB1 edition with Multiplayer so I can play with my kids.