No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

More goodies.

Wow the amount of improvements this team makes is crazy. Every time I think I’m done with this game, they bring me back in.

Is that update hitting PS4’s tomorrow too?

I know it was released in 2016 but I came late to the party and No Man’s Sky has been my favorite game of the year. There is something immensely satisfying and relaxing about its game loop. This sounds like an awesome update with lots of QOL improvements. Nice!

I’m not sure, but they’ve usually been having the big patches hit everything on the same day or damn near. So I would hope so.

They said after the last patch they had 2 million people playing the game the first week.

I don’t think any game deserves the “Labor of Love” title more than this one.

If it is games released this year, its unfortunately not possible to nominate this one.

Labor of love is the only category that doesn’t have to be released in 2019 (Actually the other categories are anything released after the 2018 Autumn Sale so November 27, 2018)

oh - nice! Then I shall change mine shortly!

There were rumors a while back that they had hired a designer who specialized in procedural dungeons and building environments and that would be the one thing I would love for them to add before starting NMS 2 :) Also, throw in a procedural story generator. The quests are fine but they are still very basic in their structure. Go fetch this. Go deliver this. I’m pretty good at making my own story up having played Conan Exiles but it would be nice to stumble on a pirate stronghold or a Gek town or a cave complex inhabited by Vykeen rebels.

God yes. I’m with Vic here, that would be pretty awesome if added. The sheer amount of planets help the fact that the core loop is somewhat limited. Adding additional depth there would be awesome.

Having built a spot on a community planet, it would also be nice to see something there as well. I’m struggling with how an economy could be added between players, but that too would be nice to see.

I just said as much in another thread. I keep wondering why no one seems to be exploring any sort of procedural storytelling. Yes, I know it is hard, well, so are photorealistic graphics that run smoothly, etc. But it’s a way to keep the people hooked without the old grinding for gear system that most of these games adopt- NMS being somewhat the exception here. They just release another big patch, get new/old players to come back, and carry on, heh.

They are, but the “bowls of oatmeal” problem is worse with narrative. Check out this, as one example:

I looked, but I’m not sure that that is really what I’m taking about. It does look cool though. I’ll see if it ever got a console release (can’t play pc games).

There’s a whole book about it, too.


Yeah I read this book over twenty years ago. Seemed like there’s been very little movement since then. I’ll check those out. It’s a subject that fascinates me.

Isn´t that what the old daggerfall developers are doing with their game? There is a thread on it somewhere on Qt3 as well, that talks about that.
edit: here

Factorio, hands down. Want to fight about it?

I want to get into this game, I feel like I should love it, but I bounce off hard every time. To be fair, this latest large update I didn’t even really attempt because they still don’t have proper ultrawide support. Lots of games don’t have it 100% but the way NMS half assed it I find unpalatable.