No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

NMS is grindy as hell in the beginning so much so that I recommend downloading the save editor to get max inventory slots right off the bat as well as all of the base building components. If you’re on console then I’m afraid you’re stuck with the Wheel of Pain grind.

That’s the ticket. I’m not going to grind for one slot at a time. Not my idea of a fun.

The roundish things on the ground are batteries. The solar panels fill them up and then they power my stuff during the night. They’re also pretty useful for cable management :)

Over the weekend I got my 3200 Quicksilver and bought my space egg for the Living Ship. This thing is going to be a slog. First step, find a planet besed on a vague description (“colorful”), then find some specific coordinates on that planet- they don’t give you a marker. Since they dont, you can’t just go into the upper atmosphere and pulse-jump there, you have to go overland. Then there’s some minor resource collection, no big deal. Then you have to wait 18 hours (on a timer) for the next bit. Repeat all steps (planet, coordinates, resource gathering) for the secong bit. Now I’m waiting 24 hours for the next piece. Oy vey.

Have you considered time-skipping?

Or using the mod?

Can’t use mods- playing on PSVR. I’ll think about the time-skipping thing, but it sounds like a hassle. Reading that thread, looks like it takes 5 days? Damn. I understand the devs not wanting players to burn through content, but this is fairly ridiculous.

More info:

They look like a lot of fun, but it brought up a question for me. The last time I played was the major update. Next, I think it was? I believe it added MP. In any case, at the time of that update I remember that the ground vehicles were really lackluster and from what I read on Reddit, it sounded like it was because they had forgotten to rebalance the mining guns on the the vehicles so they were kind of useless. Anyone know if this was addressed?

Put another way, the mechs look cool but I’m curious if they will have gameplay functionality beyond just being a neat thing to play around with for a little bit.

Check the notes. This is no ordinary exocraft. It can do a few things other exos can’t, and with the addition of freight-based summoning, you can take that one anywhere. I wouldn’t say it’s a game changer, but it is definitely a good reason to consider using exocrafts now.

Thanks, I hadn’t seen your post when I wrote mine, I’m going to go check out the notes. Are the other exocraft still kind of pointless or they end up getting rebalanced, do you know? It’s not super important, it was just a thing I wanted to play around with but the mining lasers on them were significantly worse than what I do with my suit, for example.

When might this come out?

It’s downloading right now on steam. :)

I’m loving all the extra stuff but I really wish they would revamp their main game loop. I’m not always in the just wanting to travel around and sight see mood. Sometimes I want some epic battles, raiding pirate forts or questing that isn’t harvest or fetch or deliver this or that.

Is this going to be a stupid to get as the Living Ship? Still working on that. I got through all the annoying time-gated parts ‘hacking’ the PS4 clock. Ok. Now I need to get to a certain system. You need all the portal keys. What? Crap. Well, maybe I can just fly there. I outfit my Explorer with a bunch of s-class hyperdrive modules, my maximum jump is 1k+. Then I start jumping. Turns out the farthest they’ll track the quest is 5-6 leaps, around 700LY. That’s annoying. I do that for an hour. No closer. Come back the next day and do it again. Nope. Realize you have to do the portal thing. So I’ve been randomly jumping around looking for Travellers and their graves- I finally got the last one yesterday. And I know there’s more after this. Damn.

Yeah, I would enjoy some combat based quests/activities.

Totally on-board with this. I’m still enjoying the explore/collect/upgrade loop quite a bit but some more tension from aliens/pirates/etc would be incredible.

Decided to get back into this. Had to download the last two updates first. The wife came down pissed off that she couldn’t connect with her work VPN. Oops! I have my computer set up through the router as priority. So no playing just yet.

Well, after weeks (on-and-off) of trying, I finally got my Living Ship. And my ExoMech thing. As it turns out, hopping through those dozens (Hundreds?) of systems gave me a lot of data to upload- several thousand nanites worth. So I could just buy the geobay and all the upgrades for the Mech, though I haven’t farmed the mats for them yet.