No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Shades of Jumpgate. :)

Or Earth & Beyond.

I made a couple videos in PSVR of the inside of both their cockpits if anyone wants to see. Is there a good way to upload video here? Does Discourse do that?

Looking into it, the only way to upgrade the LS is to run into random encounters in space. Wheee. They really made this thing a pain in the ass.

So I’m looking at gifting a buddy of mine a copy of No Man’s Sky, but he’s only going to enjoy it if it has a significant multiplayer aspect.

Everything I’ve read seems to indicate that multiplayer is pretty much joining another persons game and simply hanging out. Has anyone here tried multiplayer, and is there more to it?

One of the things I love about NMS is the solo adventurer aspect, but my friend definitely likes his games to be more social and will want other players along for the ride…

That matches my experience exactly. Other players can lead you to resources and points of interest, to help you along, but as far as I know that’s the only practical benefit.

The meeting place starbase whose name escapes me now, has a ton of daily missions now, that you can more or less only do multiplayer.

Indiegala has it for $20. Has all the patching made it worth getting now?

Yes an no. It’s a bit of column A in that you can join a friends game and go to their system, land on the planet and putt around with them. If I recall, you cannot joint build bases or anything, nor use their ships/vehicles. You can go in their bases though. You can also port to a planet full of other players but I did that once and it is, to be blunt, extremely laggy when you get near too many people on a planet.

The bit in column B though was mentioned, the Space Anomaly. That’s where the multiplayer mission nexus is and where you can team up for co-op missions.

It’s quite a game these days. As long as you go into it expecting a mostly solo / single-player experience, it’s a great and meditative experience.

There is so much to do - whether you want to build bases, focus on getting fancy ships, or now mechs, or simply ignore most of that and just keep finding beautiful new worlds to explore. There are a ton of different ways to play it, all which cater to different types of players with different interests, and for $20 you simply can’t go wrong IMO.

It was worth getting at launch.

Now its a no brainer if you like any of these kinds of games:
(Group A)

I would pass hard if you want:
(Group B)
Hard SF Space Sims

It does none of group B well and all of Group A very well indeed.

Agreed! I’ve got almost 500 hours in the game and every time they have a new update I fall in love all over again.

All new players should keep in mind that there’s really no “I Beat The Game” contest here. But there’s tons of content and I continually find myself just wandering around, enjoying myself immensely.

Best of all, the devs are continually coming up with improvements and all updates are free. If you’re looking for a non-structured space-themed sandbox game, it’ll be the best $20 you ever spent…

I’m honestly curious just what they’ll be doing once the new consoles launch. I don’t know their engine limitations, but I really hope they can include some awesome improvements with all that sexy new hardware people will have.

True. I remember saying so earlier in this very thread. ;)

I think there’s settings for who can use your bases, including building on them, using vehicless, etc. I know for a fact when I did the community events for Quicksilver whilst grinding for the Living Ship, if I went to the mission late in the weekend there would be multiple players’ bases built around the target and there would be at least one that someone would leave vehicles unlocked. So I’d find that, spawn a vehicle and use it to tool around gathering the necessary resources.

I haven’t played in two major updates so if they have added that, that is very cool indeed. The other thing was I wished you could auto-join friends in some way to facilitate playing together.

I think that works, too. If you start a party with someone, you can teleport to them from wherever? I did it with my brother a few times on Xbox. We had fun grabbing buggies and racing around.

Thanks for correcting my oversight on multiplayer, guys. Missions weren’t really working yet (or weren’t working at all) when the multiplayer stuff first came out, and then I forgot all about them.

I just started a new save and am having a blast again. Picked up 3 A class shuttles and am going to pass on fully repairing them. Have they changed how ships are sold, or do we still have to make them the active ship and then trade them in at a trading post? Also, is there a way to determine their potential value in advance? (Edit: ah, just spotted the trade-in price on the ship screen.)

Another question. I never developed a good system for finding a perfect home system, in my previous play-throughs. That is to say, I would browse the Galactic Map more or less randomly until I stumbled across a system that met my criteria (Gek, blue system, high economy, and ideally containing a nice planet or moon w/o aggressive sentinels). Sometimes I got lucky and found one right away, not too far from my starting system, but more often than not I’d have to strike out and keep looking until I lucked out. Is there a more efficient way of doing this?

I’m not seeing much of anything in my newest save, so I’m wondering if there’s something I could be doing differently to boost the search. Should I stop searching the area I’m in and look for a black hole, in order to troll other areas that are further out?

I never found a better way.

New thing I found while doing the Living Ship thing. There’s vendor at the space station (not Anomaly, just regular stations) that sells/trades for various waypoints. So, want to find downed ships? Boom. Done. How about secure installations for blueprints? Archeology sites? Portals? Etc? Boom. Done. Trade is one Nav Data or 15 nanites. Goddamn cheap. Huge QoL upgrade. They didn’t remove the grind, just made things more manageable. How long has this been in the game?

Being in a different iteration of the game itself after you get to the end of the path lets you choose the next galaxy type so to speak. You could pick one with more instances of nice planets.

… or you can join a friends game and pick one of their locations. :)

I never found a good method. There was no planet or moon I found that was perfect. Sentinels, fauna, environment, storms, etc. There was always a bad side to everything it seemed. So I had a main base and a few outposts I set up over time, then more big bases for processing ore, etc.

The ones where I wanted to farm salvage parts were the ones I needed to be fairly sentinel free, and easy to travel with a buggy. The ones I needed for a specific resource were just outposts with a teleporter mostly. The ones where I loved the view and built a base I ended up tearing down later on once I found the negative with the location.

Once you can build a teleporter, you no longer need to be in a high economy system. You can port there to sell or buy what you need, then port back (once found anyway.)

You could build near a portal, thus allowing you to go nearly anywhere. Those tend to be horrible storm planets if my experience was any indicator.

You can even build on one of the large landing platform trading posts if your ship hunting. I did that for my main base. You can’t build right under the main trading area, but you can on any of the branches off of it, or the ground underneath the large trading platforms.