No Man's Sky - Exploring a 60s-Scifi-cover themed universe (post-release thread)

Yeah, I’ve noticed it’s not very good on gas, as it were. On a more positive note, I’m getting better at driving it in 3rd-person but 1st-person is still a disaster. Anyway, landed on my first “Light Fissure” type moon today and stomped around a bit…

Back when personal stack sizes were small, I used the Colossus for early mining runs for cash. Then they streamlined the quests and other options were better. Then they increases stack sizes, but not slots, and the base quests took longer. So you were storage constrained longer. Then the Colossus was extra storage space.

Now with the latest patches where stack sizes are big, you get the base quests fast for the containers which have more slots now of bigger stacks. I don’t even know why the colossus exists. I still make one to finish the base quests, but more for the completionist in me.

The stack sizes and more slots even in Permadeath didn’t make me feel a need for it. In Survival/Permadeath the added sentinel scrutiny paired with the destruction all the exocraft do made me shun them completely, except the nautilus (which destroys less as it can run above the ocean floor). I “explore” there by flying verrrrrrrry slowwwwwly in my ship over the surface. Using the ship like a nautilus. So in that mode all exo other than the nautilus feel not just useless but bad.

I’m running a regular difficulty run now for a family member. In low sentinel activity planets they are no longer bad. But once you have the habit of using personal inventory and scouting from above like in the other difficulties they are really only upgraded from actively harmful to somewhat useless. The pilgrim, as it destroys less, is now occasionally useful. Nautilus still is. The rest are fun to drive once or twice … maybe? Then?

I even tried summoning the Colossus as portable storage when say gathering exotic bones. You can bring more in on one trip, but you crash the market when you sell the first batch that fits in inventory. So very marginal gains.

If you have a low sentinel planet with very sparse vegetation … maybe for fun. They are fun to drive, so the player made racetracks seem like they would be a great use.

I’ve thought about doing that at as well but I’ve gotten much better at driving the Minotaur so it’s been my go-to Exocraft now. The storage isn’t great but it’s safe for traveling and versatile with its mining, boring, satellite, etc.

Also… found the strangest aliens on this scorched planet. Here I am riding one of them, a giant bouncy pineapple. heh

That is absolutely hysterical! I would imagine more so with the bouncing …

Are you making out with that thing? LOL

I’ve never seen anything like that. I think the last galaxy I was in was too limiting on fauna or something. You guys seem to have some great finds.

Random screenshot time!

Not long after @jpinard talked about pineapple aliens, I found one just hanging around.

Here are my ships:

So yeah, I finally got my Living Ship. God, those “find the coordinates” quests are excrutiatingly long.

I’m not sure I like the little rhino horn, but I like the color. Not pictured, but it’s a “3-butthole” ship… only one would have been a dealbreaker since in flight it looks like it’s emitting one long fart. Its hyperdrive range sucks and it’s less maneuverable than my main fighter, but you know what, I’m not going to save-scum. No way. This is it, the ship the RNG gods gave me.

I guess that’s it for me until the next big patch.

It’s funny, the game has been massively improved since its release, but part of me misses V1.0, or maybe at least the version before the new main quest. I don’t like it at all, it’s really not interesting. Anyway, while the game has a lot more fun stuff to do, it lost its nomadic appeal. You used to be a fleeting presence with an ambiguous reason to exist. You took what you needed from a world, no more than what you could carry, and moved on for the sake of moving on. It was, in a word, zen.

Now the game makes it enormously obvious that the universe is a simulation, your reason to exist is to explore and the Atlas isn’t to be trusted. All of the mystery has been explained and like most explanations, it’s nowhere near as interesting as the mystery itself. Plus, there’s a trillion subquests and things begging for your attention. And well, iron, was iron, there wasn’t three kinds of it and multiple variants for the other main elements, plus a billion other filler items.

I have the original release’s disc, so I guess I can try V1.0 just by deleting the game. I have a feeling that if I do try it it’s going to be a big shock, rose-tinted glasses and all that. Major game changes do end up feeling weird. It’s often Early Access but here it’s just continuous. I’ve played like four very different No Man’s Skies now.


Bonus animal shot!

Wow you’re alien ship is wild! I’ve never seen one like that before. And that is a very nice looking deer-tapir :)

For some reason I really like the picture of the pinapple in the field.

I wonder if I could find an underwater variant and name it SpongeBobsHouse …

Cross play and multiplayer improvements coming tomorrow!

VR full body! Ugh, so VR is going to run even worse that it does already! :D

No idea what this is but it reminds me of the old party ‘Bubbles’ liquid with the ring blower thingy…

I have a toddler granddaughter (who was staying with me briefly), and had a save with one of those planets next to my base …

guess what happened!

It is amazing how long a 2 yr old can stare at bubbles.

Wel, in the spirit of the new update, here’s my new base:

Extra: hidden underwater hideout accessed by teleporter.

Well, it’s nothing fancy. I found out it’s kinda fiddly building a good base. There’s a bug (?) that makes edited terrain respawn eventually, so it kinda makes the whole thing a waste. That’s why I picked a spot that’s mostly flat. That bug is a real shame, because the only base from another player that I found out of random luck was completely filled in with terrain and I didn’t have the authority to dig it out. Kind of a bummer. I wish they still had perfectly flat spots to build bases like in previous versions.

Nice. Very creative.

It is but one tool they added has really helped with it of late, “flatten terrain,” on the modification tool. You can use it in a base! click on the flat floor within your base then just run around and let it do its thing. Same for the roof of your base, or outside the doors, etc. SO MUCH EASIER.

I Like your base, it resembles my method. Typically I start with a round or square large room and break off the landing pad outside the door. Then on the back or side of the room I open up into either glass or normal cubed rooms like you did there and place all my storage, refiners, grow beds, etc in that large cube room. One other item I like to do is off the other three sides of the landing pad I put hydroponic grow rooms. I LOVE those things. One-click and you grab everything in them.

Nice! I particularly like the landing pad over the water. It reminds me of a movie scene but I’m not sure which one, lol…those brain cells need some defragging.

I built a similar base, even with the area underwater via teleport. Mine was built mostly out of necessity since I built it on one of those planets that is mostly water with tiny islands dotted around.

It’s frustrating, but the best thing to do is just try to avoid messing with terrain. Even when you’re nowhere near the limit, it can regenerate on you.

Huh, good tip. I like putting the hydroponic room on top of the round room, but then you’re stuck with a ladder in the middle of it, which is annoying.