Order of the Stick

I had to LOL about this one. Where is the bard when you need one?? :D


Here it comes


So who was that masked man anyway? Oh.

I guess she was wrong a few panels back.

What am I missing? I also don’t get/remember what the title (“sound, but inaccurate”) is referencing…?

Yeah, I think I might be due for a re-read of the last couple years’ worth of comics because I honestly don’t remember where we left Xykon and his band of goblins.

That might refer to the sonic blasts the weird leathery pega-corn was emitting?


Claiming that it wasn’t related to Xykon.

1037: Beast Practices

That is one wise wolf.


Nod. Get treat.

Time for doing!

Well, no, not really.

Oh, shush!

This whole process is so unnecessarily tedious.

Oh, man, there was a LOT to love from that one page. The man is a genius!

What did their deaths mean?

Somebody likes to X out doors.

Feels like I’m missing something there.