Phoenix Point - new Julian Gollop turn-based strategy game

Every map I’ve seen so far is kind of brown. Show some grass dammit.

In the grimdark future of mankind, there is no grass, only mud.

The game looks great!

I know this has been a complaint since the beginning, but it looks like XCom 2 with worse graphics. There are a couple of differences sure, but it made me just want to go play XCom.

Add to that, there are 5 planned DLCs (only $40 worth of them though), I will definitely be waiting at least a year for this one. Unless everyone seems to love it and says its a must buy now of course.

I’m growing more concerned by the moment at the absolute lack of any displays of the strategic portion of the game. (No, I don’t count soldier dress up in that part of the game.)

I’m increasingly convinced this is not going to turn out well. I don’t like the way it looks, not sure I’m even on board with how it plays.

I’ve tried to ignore it till it’s finished, but since I kickstarted it (something that will henceforth never happen again due in no small part because of how this one was handled) I’ve had the opportunity to test drive it and what I’ve seen literally led me to just stop playing it and instead fire up xcom 2 again and play an entire campaign rather than play this.

Crap, I forgot the game is supposed to have a strategic layer.


But I would rather have connected areas rather than a global map.

Is that not the whole purpose here? To convince us that we NEED IT NOW!

I think you may have missed the strategic layer in the video. They basically streamlined the fluff and added very visible clickable dots that will appear when missions are available. Functionally it’s the same as the new XCOM display without looking so busy. Most of the time our brain tune out the busy display in the XCOM strategic map anyway as we advance time. I think it’ll be a good refinement.

I have a feeling that you’ll be persuaded otherwise =)

That would be good news I’d welcome. ;)

I’m not talking about the “move the little ship to a mission” part though. I’m talking about research, engineering, projects, strategic objectives (and choices), etc.

Honestly, this is where I landed a few months back watching a dev video. I like some of it, but what I did like was just the stuff that made XCOM 1 & 2 great - the things they were trying, like modular enemies and manual aiming, were turning me off a bit. I remember asking if some of the stuff was finalized and it wasn’t so I’m crossing fingers it still ends up being something I really dig, but as of now it seems like something I’ll have to wait and see on.

Ah apologies. Didnt realise you meant that.

I kinda of like the RPG aspects here as well. When was the last time we really “choose” what to research in XCom? A beeline for the required techs and build is what i remember doing in ALL my games except maybe the very first one.

So a lot of the busy work giving an impression of strategy i feel should be removed.

If they can streamline the experience to give us what matters most, which are the tactical battles and let us have an awesome RPG experience in growing the troops we use in the tactical game, I think it’s an overall plus.

I for one love the the fact that the squares you hover over the movement trace out the lines of sight! That is beautiful!

Edit: And perhaps the most IMPORTANT thing we saw in the video, NO POD ACTIVATION! And the enemy dont stupidly rush at you but can actually prioritize to hit the containers!

Are we looking at a Modern Jagged Alliance? Maybe!

… and it’s a gamepass title so easy to try out.

Have you actually looking for them? I only ask because there are plenty of Youtube videos by with an hour or more of gameplay that show the strategic portion. Just a search on “Phoenix Point” and you will see any number of "Let’s play"s out there.

Edit - my bad, I see further down you mentioned you meant stuff like research, engineering, etc. I’m not sure it has some of those, I’ll need to look closer at some videos.


It would be nice if the areas you visit are unique and connected (physically or as part of the story) somehow. But my expectations are probably too high.

Just got an email offering me 10 dollars off a season pass, don’t know why but that just made me laugh.

Got another email, saying that backers get the season pass for free and suggesting to forward the 10 dollars coupon to anybody else.