PlayStation 5

Huh, TIL. Thanks!

You can still access your old wishlist here.

Wait, are you saying the games I just wish-listed last week on the Sony store from my PS5 will no longer be shown as wishlisted?

No, you’re fine. We’re talking about our old PS4 wishlists on the Sony website.

Is this where we go to complain about the PS store. I’m all in. It’s just awful.

What Microsoft did to the Xbox mobile app is even worse.

Yeah, there seems to be no way to look at my achievements on the app anymore, or my friend’s achievements. It’s basically just there to help setup the new Xbox now, I guess, with the secondary function of being a chat app for Xbox live messages to friends? I wonder why they got rid of so much of the functionality.

Yep, really horrid what they did.

I agree, mostly for the reasons Rocket mentioned. But I have to say that I started writing and then deleted several posts while watching the thread of complaints, joking about how long it would take for someone to talk about how it was really a good thing that Sony screwed up their store, and how Xbox was still worse. It wasn’t who I thought it’d be, but you finally came through for me, ioticus.

No matter what browser I use on iOS I can’t get the purchase button to appear in the Sony store. Of all the things they broke I’d expect at least giving them money would work.

Use the app

And make sure to turn off all the blocking extensions, reader modes, etc

Really excited to see this! I haven’t gotten to God of War yet - at some point I decided to wait for PS5. Glad I did!

Nice! I played the beginning, but will probably just go ahead and restart whenever I get around to this.

Sweet, I wanted an excuse to play that again someday.

Rocket Arena from last month’s + is actually fun. I played 8 hours of arena matches before getting bored.

God of War was the best game I played last year. I would like to play it again on PS5. I would also like to have a PS5. When are these crazy lovebirds getting married? How about February? Please?

I remember getting some item that increased the parry timing window. I never took that thing off, and maybe it’s why the game felt so good after 20 hours. I don’t know what it was called, but in my mind it’s the over-the-hill ring. (Not to imply I was ever much better.) Equip that play-smoothing item? I do, until death do us part.

Can someone post a link to claim the PSPlus games please?

I don’t think there’s a way to claim the collection without being on a PS5.

I think those links are different for every country, since it has the landcode in the URL… I can’t remove the landcode.

It renews tomorrow though

I claim them from a computer every month, and I don’t own a PS5 yet.