PlayStation 5

Not actually sure, as I deleted it after I got my kit, StockDrops maybe? It would have been one suggested in the GPU thread.


Has anyone used tenqubit? It says it takes about a month but I’m not in a rush and not really sure I’d buy one. But if I do decide to I’d rather just order it and know it’s coming than try and snipe one in the wild.

I can’t imagine there’s any way that it’s a legit site. I’d stay far away.

Less than a week until R&C: Rift Apart! Who else is excited?! And it’s getting a Performance RT mode as a Day 1 patch.

Thanks. I did a search for it here and when I didn’t find any mention of it in a thread it raised more red flags than were already up. Hehe

Holy crap. This year is flying by. I did not realize it’s so soon!

Pre-ordered and pre-loaded! Can’t wait!

I’m very excited for more Ratchet and Clank. Please be great!

I wonder when the review embargo lifts. Maybe Tuesday? I don’t think they want to run into Apple’s WWDC’s keynote press overload on Monday. Kinda surprised it wasn’t earlier, like last week.

Eh, if you have a PS5, then you can multitask with looking at Apple keynotes. That’s sort of a weird thing for a gaming company to care about.

The 8th according to chatter for a while now.

Is there really press overload after Apple conferences anymore? I know I don’t usually find out anything until a week after the event by stumbling into the right Qt3 thread. Google News doesn’t push that sort of feed at me.

The big tech sites, definitely will post a ton of WWDC / Apple related news articles tomorrow. Of course specialty game sites will ignore Apple News entirely. But Sony isn’t just trying to appeal to core gamers with an IP like Ratchet and Clank, so it would only make sense for them to want plenty of coverage in the mainstream tech press. They’ll wait for Tuesday, I expect, as per the rumours @forgeforsaken mentioned.

Alright, you were kind of right. I saw a lot of news this morning in my feed about Facetime coming to Windows and Android.

Just noticed that cool PS5 UE demo running on PC here. Don’t think already posted. Interesting.

DF interview with tech director on Ratchet, I’m dropping it here as opposed to the game thread as it gets into the guts of the hardware a bit and what it lets them do

Fascinating interview. Wish he’d been even more in depth. Amazing that voice acting was all done in people’s homes. Also interesting the tech director looks about twelve years old :/

Although he needs some physics lessons. When you throw a grenade from a moving platform it doesn’t whip away behind you…

Anyone here done remote play? And if so what device? I might get stuck in hospital I want to be able to do the daily challenges in MLB the Show, otherwise you miss out on the cumulative monthly reward if you miss a day.