PlayStation 5

Good to hear on Ghost director’s cut. I haven even fired that one up yet. I’m splitting time between Spiderman and Last of Us remasters. Both amazing. Daughter played Detroit more human last night and it is gorgeous. Perfect game for her as she struggles a bit with anxiety and has a hard time making decisions at times. That game gives her 4 with a timer that forces her not to overthink it and then to just live withe consequences. Of course she became a lying murderous android in the first sequence when she panicked and kept the gun and then lied about it. By the third sequence she was calm, cool and collected making decisions she really wanted with zero angst. It was a joy watching her play.

I really liked my Xbone 1x thing, especially before I got a new gaming PC but this thing feels more like a console and less like a gateway to an ecosystem. I don’t know just has something “special” about it I cant put my finger on. I think I love it and have zero regrets paying over MSRP.

Lastly, still haven’t told the wife but she came in the game room last night while we were playing it and just cocked her head sideways and said “hmm”. She just left and said nothing about it since then. I suspect some new furniture to be ordered this weekend to even it out :)

Ghost is a perfect game to showcase the console as it uses all the features. 3d sound, haptic feedback etc. I may just play that for the next two weeks. So much fun.

I hadn’t played the last Uncharted. Holy f is it fun. Looks amazing as well. I forgot how good the sony exclusive games were.

Astro’s Playroom is highly recommended to see what the PS5 controller can do. Don’t sleep on that.

Better be some rocking furniture :)

Memorial day sales help but good furniture is way expensive… She got some cloud top sectional thingie that looks like it will swallow us for movie nights and a new kitchen table set.

We are cleared for OLED! ;)

Already blasted through Uncharted over the holiday weekend. 14 hours… That seemed like the perfect length for a game like that. Some of the fights towards the end we’re a bit too much, but it’s very forgiving on the restart spots so eh. Now I’m playing the shorter expansion. I certainly have enough to keep me busy for 2 weeks when they change the pass structure on the 13th. I so badly want to play Demon Souls.

Uncharted Lost Legacy is a bunch of fun, too, if you haven’t played it.

I loaded up the intro to that before I went to bed. I figured I might as well close it out now or I may never go back. That one is only like 7-8 hours so I should be able to bang that out this week.

Sony’s State of Play thingie starts in a few minutes.

RE4 again.

I’m in for No Man Sky and Horizon Zero Dawn VR.

The cat game comes out next month!

Pretty good mini-conference considering almost no first part games and focused on 3rd parties.

That Callisto thing looked potentially cool. Like a new Dead Space.

And Final Fantasy 16 of course. Man, it’s so cool to see these impressive new versions of the summons that I’d just been using in Final Fantasy X.

I was also happy to see that everything is coming to PS4, so no need to get a PS5 yet.

Way too many zombie games for my taste. But Horizon VR looks cool – definitely a good fit for the medium. And I’ll at least keep an eye on Stray, Evernights, Street Fighter 6, Season, and FFXVI.

I like the looks of Rollerdrome too.

At this point it’s a little strange that Resident Evil 1 didn’t get the modern remake treatment, since even the Gamecube remake is…woah, 20 years old? I need to find a rocking chair.

From the devs who made the OlliOlli games!