President Trump Optimism thread

LOL I love it.

OMG. That looks like my mother.

Hey! Optimism time!

Well it will be interesting to see him try. We’re not a police-state, not yet anyway.

Hey, now you can petition him directly.

Two up there now:

For that tax one:

100,000 Signatures in 30 Days

Get an official update from the White House within 60 days.[/quote]

The response will be "President Trump cannot release his tax documents while they are being audited. He does have the best tax lawyers, policymakers, and accountants working to de-fund the IRS, so rest assured that his world-class leadership will continue throughout.

But it’ll be fun to make him keep responding to such things.

I signed up for petition site about 15 minutes ago. Still waiting for the email confirmation…Hmmm.

It gave me an “error, petition not signed”

I had a tax issue in 2015. They sent me a letter claiming had not paid them. I replied back with proof showing that had, in fact, paid them.

Three months go by, and they sent me a letter saying that they got my reply, but they haven’t had a chance to look into it.

Another three months go by, and I get another letter saying the same thing – they haven’t had a chance to look into it.

A month or so later I finally get a letter saying essentially, “Yup, our bad.”

Cutting government has effects.

They’re doing a piss poor job here. If they really wanted to squelch petitions then they should make it look like it’s accepting a signature all the way through. A little too obvious in the implementation…Giuliani must be in charge.

Man, you guys are underestimating the Trump Administration yet again. The petitions are how they are creating the list.

As soon as their sweet new all black tactical uniforms arrive, the TSF (Trump Security Forces) will be coming for you guys. It was nice knowing you.

White nationalist Richard Spencer, who made headlines when he gave a Nazi salute to Trump at a gathering after the Nov. 8 election, was giving a video interview at roughly 2:30 p.m. when a protester clothed in black leaped out of the crowd and hit him in the face, then ran away.

“You hate black people!” another protester yelled.

“I don’t hate black people,” Spencer said, in pain, holding his hand to his face.

A few minutes later, a protester ran up and spat in Spencer’s face. Spencer was then whisked into a car, which drove off.

I’m really not a fan of any violence or looting happening. We need to keep the protests civil and peaceful as a stark contrast to Trump’s apparent “police can do no wrong” policy.

I do not mind Nazis being beaten.

When you are willing to strip others of the protections of society, you invalidate your own claim to such protections.

If fascists want to abandon liberty and equal protection under the law, so be it. Things will be settled by violence. And they will lose.

Apparently a ton of people on Twitter are now following Mike Pence… even though they never followed the @VP account.

Remember, they’re not afraid of those liberal pussies.

Climate change, LGBT, and Health Care pages all gone from the White House site.

Optimism gone too.

Everything should still be available on the archived Obama WH site: