President Trump Optimism thread

I’m still not at all clear on why CEOs leaving some do-nothing manufacturing council is in any way important or worthy of optimism.

It’s a refutation of Trump. If enough start doing it, maybe the 34% that still poll favorably for him will snap back into reality.

It’s a public slight against Trump. It might not mean anything in terms of policy or laws, but it’s a middle finger to the current administration.

I kind of see it as a trailing indicator rather than a leading one. Its verification that Trump’s brand is becoming so toxic, it overwhelms whatever prestige or lobbying interest the White House may have.

Bad for America in the long run, but at least a validation.

The reason it’s important is that it indicates there’s no advantage for a large company in being associated with Trump or racists. That may not feel like a big win - but imagine how much worse it would be if corporations did see marketing to the Trumpets as profitable. (See: companies lining up to help Hitler in the 30s.)

Also, Trump’s whole bullshit thing is based on this (wrong) notion that he’s a great businessman.

When you’ve got guys who are ACTUALLY in charge of huge corporations saying, “Nah.” it helps erode that.

During the election, Mark Cuban said, “Trump is not a businessman – he’s a brand.” I thought that captured things well.

I would like to resign from Trump’s America, because it is the right thing to do.

Now if we could just get Trump to do so.

I feel like John Goodman on a near permanent basis

Seems like we can probably just close this thread.

Only 1174 days until our next Presidential election!

Seems overly optimistic.

Remember when we all thought this was funny?
Ah man, good times…good times.

It was indeed optimistic to think that we could measure such a thing in days.

Or even hours.

43’s ethics chief

I don’t think Mr. Painter understands what “must” means. None of that will happen.