Sean Spicer is the best Press Secretary in history. PERIOD.

Every month is White History Month.

– actual sig I saw from some Stormfront screenshot

Humorously, I’ve seen some SJW-types (term used deceptively, not judgmentally) use the same phrase to bolster their position ironically.

Why does Discourse make it so goddamned impossible to embed a Twitter video.

wtf was that?

“wtf was that?” needs to be the official subtitle of 2017.

Briefing link

Back in November, WaPo speculated about how “bonkers” these briefings would likely turn out to be. Milo Yiannopoulos was #4 on their predictions list. According to an email Yiannopoulos sent to Yahoo News, tomorrow’s briefing (12:30pm Eastern) may include him.

Thing is, Commander Spicer hasn’t confirmed this, and I’m almost positive he said he’d be taking a three-day-weekend as he ran out of the room today.

Sean Spicer inventing new words.

Poor guy. No press secretary has ever come under such scrutiny. I bet they all stumble from time to time.

Pretty funny though.

Not loving how that video autoplays on Chrome on Windows for me. . . would you mind putting it in one of those click-through “details” spoilers, @jostly?

Autoplays on Firefox as well. I can’t say I liked that.

Fuck 'im. Fuck 'im in the ear. Fuck 'im in the other ear.

I think he’s got a really tough job, and while I disdain the politics, having been super tired and but still having to make a public address, I have a lot of empathy for him stumbling over the simplest words and basically having a brain-fail mid-sentence.

I would have some sympathy if he wasn’t working for Donald Trump.

And if his very first act as press secretary wasn’t to come out, brazenly lie, and then refuse to take any questions.

No press secretary ever started their tenure by berating the press for accurately covering something, then lying overtly to the press, before storming out without taking questions.

Sorry about that, didn’t try reloading it after posting.

Hiding it in spoilers didn’t stop the autoplaying, so I ended up embedding the tweet instead. Which I’m sure will annoy someone else, so there’s no way to win :)

I don’t feel for him. It’s not like he didn’t have a clue what the job might be like/

The man blatantly lies to the public, attacks the press and refuses to acknowledge that he knows all of this. It’s one thing if Trump kept him in the dark, but it’s clear Spicer is part of the misinformation machine that has become the White House. I don’t feel sorry for him.

Exactly. Fuck him.