Sean Spicer is the best Press Secretary in history. PERIOD.

Acosta and Spicer sorta got into it on the subject of these off camera briefings in today’s briefing. Seems the WH then sought to punish him for it:

Actually … I agree, this could. That would be brilliant.

Holy crap. Finally, someone actually stands up to these people.

“You’re inflaming everyone right here right now with those words,” he exclaimed. “This administration has done that as well. Why in the name of heavens –– any one of us are replaceable and any one of us, if we don’t get it right, the audience has the opportunity to turn the channel or not read us.”

Karem went on to point out that the president has been elected to serve four years and that reporters are there to ask questions while the White House press team is there to answer them before further lambasting Sanders for her comments:

“What you just did is inflammatory to people all over the country who look at it and say, see, once again, the president’s right and everybody else out here is fake media, and everybody in this room is only trying to do their job.”

After she said she disagreed “completely” with Karem, she quickly moved on to Fox News’ Kevin Corke, who asked her some questions about the Senate health care bill.

Skip ahead to 3:28:

She’s a despicable person IMO, but I think that exchange just hardens Trump support.

What the people in that room have to start doing is asking about those things she wants them ask about and get them to lie on the record and then ask about those lies until we have Mueller’s report. Ask better questions about the human side of the attempt to repeal the ACA, etc. Put them on the back foot. Trump’s MO is to hit hard all the time. It’s time to hit back. Keep making him lie and be uncomfortable doing it. Stop thinking there’s some sort of decorum to follow. That’s over now.

Aaaand Spicey is back!

Sort of.

He gave a press briefing today. But it was only one of those off-camera ones that only filthy elitist print reporters care about.

Also Spicer was a little bit, let’s say, behind the times:

“The President has made it clear through this tweet. And there was nothing, as far as we know, that would lead anyone to believe that there was anything except for a discussion about adoption and the Magnitsky Act”

No seriously, he said that today. I mean the only possible explanation for the press secretary not knowing that Junior had sent around the entire e-mail explaining the meeting wasn’t about adoptions is if Spicer had been locked in a dungeon for a couple of weeks without … Oh God, that’s it, isn’t it?

Spicer: Master, let Reek out. He’ll do another press conference. Reek will make them see how mighty you are. Reek will show them all!

Trump: Fine, fine. (To an aide) Make sure it’s one of those no camera ones nobody cares about. What? No, that doesn’t matter. And it will be hilarious!

Pavlovic is not among the best-known members of the White House press corps, and her audio streams went largely unnoticed in the moment. The first drew 37 listeners; the second attracted 41.

Yet her act of rebellion marks a significant development in White House-media relations. Reporters have chafed at recent restrictions on coverage of news briefings, urging the president’s communications team to allow live broadcasts. Nevertheless, they have complied with the White House’s rules, despite carrying devices that can stream video or audio with a few taps of the thumb.

Yeah, fucking do it!

A governement can have secrets, but not be secret. What the governement is doing /cant be secret except when theres reasons for that and trying to avoid criticism is not a valid one.

Quitter! He resigned!

What will Melissa McCarthy do now?

Ok, I smell a nice book deal here for Spicey! He also needs to guest star on SNL.

Rip off her Spicer wig, Arya Stark-style, and immediately transition to a Sarah Huckabee Sanders impression.

I don’t understand why anyone would work for Trump at this point,

I feel sorry for Sean Spicer. It was his job to repeat the ever changing lies coming out of Trump’s mouth There was really nothing he could have done differently. The reason the stuff he said was so obviously dumb was because Trump says lots of dumb lies and then changes them without telling his people.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders kind of rubs me the wrong way. With Spicer i felt like he felt it was only a job, but i really think Sanders drinks the koolaid.

It’s so crazy it just. Might. Work.

Spicey! No!

We’ll always have the shrubbery outside the White House. Misty water-colored memories…

She’s been corrupted by her father’s inane bullshittery for decades.

Reince Preibus, how hot’s that seat getting?

The thing that surprises me is that Trump hasn’t burned Kellyanne Conway yet. Her usefulness mostly seems at an end, for kind of similar reasons as Spicer.

Why was this his red line I wonder, or is there something not public yet that he had a problem with? Because he put up with a lot of abuse and crazy shit to decide that who get the Comms director job is the final straw.