Sean Spicer is the best Press Secretary in history. PERIOD.

Odds are at least 50-50 that Trump wrote that letter himself.

So reading out fan mail during press briefings is a thing now? Good grief.

Just in case you think western civilization hasn’t completely collapsed:

(Because Chris sleazy deserves every insult thrown his way)

Well, someone needs to be qualified in case Rick Perry gets fired as Energy Secretary.

Oh my god, this interview.

No Iraqi Information Minister? Seems like a missed opportunity.

This is from today. Apparently the ghost of Spicy still haunts the White House. Or at least the Press Secretary’s Twitter feed:

There’s nobody left bright enough to change the profile, so I imagine ghost-Spicer will continue to tweet until they break out the Kool-Aid.

Edit - Wait! It seems Spicy never really left us. We still have him to kick around for three more days.

That’s not an actual thing. It can’t be.

Legends say he will still is guardian the fort to this day. And the whole august.

It’s now August 1st. The Spicer Era is now officially over.

And he was so darn good that nobody could step into his shoes!

Technically, Spicer wasn’t scheduled to fully transition out until the middle of the month AFAIK.

Yeah, Spicer gets to ease out. Mooch? Escorted off the grounds by the Service.

Spicer may just hide in the bushes when it’s time to go, however

Legends say Spicer is still in the white house, hidden among the bushes.

“Back when I was young, before the war, we had a fancy thing called electricity, and didn’t live in caves.”

… or so legend says

Fun twist: the story is being told to each other by giant mutated insects

While I was eating some lumpy creme-o-wheet this morning, I realized that Trump Press Secretary is basically just a Wal*Mart greeter for the White House.