Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

Spent some more time in game. To paraphrase Oddball: “You have a mother-beautiful game here, Moriarty. A mother beautiful game.” Back to the Brian/Hotfreak lovefest. :)

I want to be as clear as I can about the keyboard thing. I am playing a few space games. For example, Elite. But others. I am having issues remembering all of the keys for one game. I have issues remembering all of my passwords. If one game is using one key for action… not even space games, ESO, GW2 whatever…

I find myself using keys for one game that do other things in a different game. Muscle memory is an issue. But sometimes games will use the same keys for the usual things. W is forward, S is back or stop. A and D are left and right. My hand knows this better than I do. Sure E can be do thing. F can be do thing too.

For instance, while I was playing Neverwinter Online and Guild Wars 2 I kept doing mouse walk in NW. In NW a mouse click was an attack. In GW2 mouse left and right are movement. Attack is the number keys. And in other games the attack is QER. See?

I understand that each dev wants their own vision. No prob, I would too. But have pity on the old gamers. Give us some kind of break. We want to love your game. But if we have to, yet again, learn a whole new keyboard setup. Well I hope I can learn it before I die. OTOH my money is just as green as an 18 year old. :)

Just remap the keys. That’s what i did.

Although i forget if i remapped them in game, or just mapped them to a familiar layout on my game board.

I totally am with you on this! Too many games and keys to remember in my head as I get older.

I have to say that the Logitech G13 gamepad helps me a lot because I can map keys and I make a little diagram that sits next to it. Helps me alot. But as you say the muscle memory is an issue.

I use Microsoft OneNote for keyboard maps. I have a blank template and mark down keys once I customize them for a game. Makes it so much easier to pick up a game again after a break.

Super handy.

You should have seen the wonderful documents I created in the 90s to keep track of all the various flight-sim key changes and throttle button programmings.

It’s only gotten worse since then:

Who’d have thunk a MIG-21 would be that complicated :-)

BiggerBoat: Any chance to get a copy of that keyboard map, imagine it could be handy - or a screenshot ? :)

You should see my cheat sheets for the F-16. :P

I think Falcon 3.0 was the last time I had all of the controls memorized. Maybe that broke my brain?

I knew falcon 3.0, 4.0 and the xwing series by heart. I can still fly those by deeply ingrained muscle memory.

Elite:Dangerous I fly without reference due to having had to set up my HOTAS like twelve times before frontier figured out how not to fuck up your control settings every patch cycle.

oh. yeah. star citizen. heh.

This demonstration of their new “death stare” technology is really impressive.

I saw @Derek_Smart_3000AD tweet this earlier - I don’t get it, what’s it all about?

They had an Anniversary streaming event yesterday (or the day before) to showcase stuff. And it wouldn’t be a SC stream without a certain degree of awkwardness.

Anyway, that death stare was the most impressive moment in the whole thing. Seriously, Sandy Gardiner is really skilled at that. More than I imagined. ;)

What happened that caused such a look?

Turning off the green screen background ruined it for me.

Wow, she needs to be cast in a Westworld role, stat!

So, other than that moment, presubablmbly no showing of the SQ42 content that only just barely missed Citizencon? Anything on the release of 2.7? What about 3.0, which was supposed to be 2016…?

Did they start another ship sale? I think there was another really exensove one due for launch on this livestream, wasn’t there?

Technically you can see for yourself on their supposed internal scheduling reports.

No SQ42 at all. Nothing about 2.7, though 2.6 has a tentative release date set in late December. Nothing about 3.0, but certainly not this year. Yes, there was another ship sale. And I don’t really know.