Star Citizen - Chris Roberts, lots of spaceship porn, lots of promises

I agree. Though in my exchanges on Twitter, the impetus for that particular angle appears to be related to “these are the people you gave $300M of free money”, as it speaks to their character. Not to mention the fact that he slotted his inexperienced wife into an exec level position, then kept their marriage secret (exposed when I blew the whistle in 2015).

They could easily have dug up paperwork disproving her degree claims. An investigator I hired back in 2015, dug up all this crap in less than a week. And I did that because I knew they would try to sue me over my writings, and truth is a defense against defamation. I am sitting on so much stuff that they know it would be a nuclear conflict to sue someone like me.

This SA post was so hilariously on point regarding that entry in the article.

You see? This is why I issue disclaimers when critical Star Citizen articles show up because some of these guys really - truly - believe that ALL of it traces back to me. Somehow.

This time, apparently the author of the article is my “life partner”. ??

It’s going to get deleted soon, so…

If you haven’t yet, please check out 3.5 and be your own judge

Thanks, but I checked out a free flight version about a year ago and had enough. Frankly, it just pisses me off. They had the resources to make something awesome, and made this.

It’s sort of like watching the Red Sox this year.

Funny thing is on the latest RPS article on the subject, there are a couple commenters repeatedly saying they’ve stuck to the roadmap, hit their goals, it’s a functional, playable game, etc. I’ve never been one to accuse people of being paid shills or incognito employees, but you gotta wonder…although I guess every cult has its true believers.

It only ran in 1 fps on my system so I gave up.

(Just read it now, the stalking thing? Is that new info?)

Thanks for the links. Looks like a bit more futzing than I feel like when there’s also new Wildlands content :)

Welcome to the farce. That’s how things are. You have guys who are actively pushing a completely and utterly false narrative. It’s amazingly hilarious.

Not to some of us.

My latest rant about the farce

Chris Roberts wife tried to kill him?

Oh my, I had skipped the Forbes article because I had assumed it was another puff piece. Direct hit, Forbes!

His current wife, who is also getting paid a ton as Head of Marketing despite the fact that she seems to spend a lot of time filming bad movies, had a restraining order against him by his wife-at-the-time and he provided a statement that he was threatened. The Forbes article has some details on it.

That sounds like a bad Tuesday episode of a daytime soap.

@KevinC is right! Shit, folks, let’s turn this into a Telenovela! Change the names around a little, and voila.

Tomorrow on As The Money Burns

Do you think we’ll get in trouble if we name our analog Chris Robbers?

No no no we gotta full Telenovela to avoid that kind of thing.

Like, um, Cris Roberto is the young genius behind, um, a tequila very popular in the 80s/early 90s, then was unfairly driven out by the giants of the industry. After a death march as working for the flack of a Huge Mexican Beer Producer (who shall remain nameless), he once again set out to create the perfect tequila, funded through crowdsourcing. But he is damned always to seek the perfect agave, and too weak to resist the temptations of a now-fat bank account.

OK, shit, I’ll stop now


I was going to make a comment/joke but it’s something of a Coco spoiler (and only means something if you’ve seen the movie), so I will refrain from doing so. Or blur it below!

Maybe picture Roberto de la Cris singing “Recuerda el Wing Commander”…

Robert Christopher.

Similar enough to function as a wink, different enough to avoid getting sued.