Steam summer sale has started

Dammit, I suppose some sort of higher power is telling me to prune my 1TB+ Steam folder with my data drive dying a corrupted death today.


Paradox Fantasy Pack
Alien vs. Predator
New Vegas DLC
Mount and Blade: Warband, With Fire & Sword
Wings of Prey + DLC
Total War: Shogun 2 DLC
The Last Remnant
Dead Space 2

Just under $100. I also need to pick up Solar 2, Sturmovik 1946, 1C Space Pack, and Vampire Bloodlines tomorrow. It seems like a lot of money, but that’s a lot of gaming for my dollar.

Are you sure? I thought it went lower than that.

Nope, it looks like you are right. Huh.

But be warned, the Tony K AI makes an easy game even easier because all that tedious buffing you couldn’t be bothered is now something easy to do. Ensure you enable all the AI additions, like pre-emptive enemy buffering.

For what it’s worth. Hegemony Gold is only sold through the developer’s homepage as far as I can tell but there are many gameplay improvements that I wouldn’t want to be without even if you have no interest in the two new campaigns. Diplomacy, manpower pools on a city basis instead of a global manpower pool, flanking bonuses, and a lot of other tweaks and additions.

If you register your steam serial with them you get a 20$ discount on Gold, bringing it down to $10. It’s well worth the price.

Seconded. At $5 the Steam version of Hegmony (Philip) comes with a serial number that works at the developers site to net you Hegemony Gold for $10. So for $15 total you get the much improved version of the game plus 2 additional campaigns and a sandbox mode. Well worth the money.

When the latest iteration of Prince Of Persia dropped last year, it showed up about the same time I was knee deep in a bunch of other games.

Now it’s 5 bucks in the sale.

I remember on a couple of podcasts–maybe GWJ and Giant Bombcast–that they seemed to like it fairly well. Anyone able to confirm that Forgotten Sands is decent?

Anyone have input on the rest of the TitledMill Collection - a couple Children of the Nile titles and Mosby’s Confederacy?

The collection is only $6.24, so I don’t even know why I am asking as I am more than likely to buy it anyhow, play 2 of the 4 games for 23 minutes and then never think of them again until I select the “Delete Local Content” steam menu option at some point in the future when I need to make space on my drive.

Yes, it’s more than decent. Some people (me) don’t like the design of the prince but it’s worth it for $5.

Mosby’s not particularly good–it just doesn’t work that well.

COTN and expansions are fantastic.

Sadly, the other crown jewels in the Tilted Mill ouevre–Caesar IV and the fully-patched Sim City Societies–are owned by ActiBlizzard and EA respectively, and neither is available on Steam.

Yeah, I bit on NWN2, as I’ve always wanted to fiddle with it and for like seven bucks or whatever it is I can’t resist.

Mayhem Intergalactic is one of those fun, lightweight strategy games. Gameplay is very, very similar to Galcon, but (simultaneous) turn-based. I’ve only just started playing, but it’s great fun and runs smoothly on my old computer.

Don’t buy it if you expect high strategy or something with a strong space theme. It’s the sort of simple mathematical game that could be played with a chessboard and a stack of poker chips, say.

I think $5 is about the right price for it. The developer has it at that price too, right now

There is ALSO some 3rd party registration/activation DRM shit for Two Worlds 2 even though there is no mention of it anywhere on the relevant steam page.

Fuck you steam, at least tell me there is some 3rd party bullshit DRM
I would NOT have bought it

Yes, it’s a decent game. I played through it, and the game is fun all the way through. I only had a couple of problems with weird bugs near the end of the game, but other than that, it was a great, smooth ride. Very satisfying 3D platformer.

By “latest iteration” we’re talking about The Forgotten Sands, right?

It looks like the price of Terraria just went up to $5, right when it was in my shopping cart ready to be bought. I feel like this guy right now:

D’oh! Denied!

It’s still a great buy at 5 bucks, though. I paid $9.99 before the sale.

Uhhh, wtf… They modified a daily deal?

Wow, they did raise the price ($2.50 to $5)… glad I jumped on it.

My only purchases so far have been:
Oblivion GOTY

Still thinking about grabbing Hinterland and Starscape on the cheap, though.

Cool, thanks. I can now purchase with a conscience at ease knowing the money I am throwing away was tossed due to a valid, positive recommendation and not my own weak impulse when confronted with a perceived “deal”.