Street Fighter 5 - Hundred hand slap

While none revealed so far have been grapplers, Nash is no longer a charge character and they removed the button mash for Chun-Li’s kick special. So it seems like they’re willing to change the input archetypes, and I could definitely see 360’s becoming half circles, or maybe even something like 632146 (which is still an improvement).

In the end though, I don’t really have a problem w/ an execution barrier - it can be used as an alternate way of balancing. If a grappler can take away, say, 50% of your health in a single move, that move better be damned hard to nail.

If a grappler can take away 50% of your health with a single move, I would much rather the drawback be that it requires a very specific in-game situation rather than requiring a crazy combination of button presses. There’s no reason to make these games more complicated than they need to be. There’s so much strategic depth in fighting games but a lot of people never get past the execution barrier.

I’m not a big fighting game guy, but this looks pretty cool. Might just have to toss my hat in the ring (and then promptly have it squashed by non-sucky players)

Yeah, that example may have been a bit heavy-handed :)

Don’t get me wrong, I can’t stand crazy inputs either (incl. the 360, and forget about the double 360). I never use characters who rely on them. But there are players who enjoy making those characters and their difficulties “work,” and I think that’s a great aspect of the genre.

I’m definitely in favor of streamlining input requirements…to an extent. In the end, you can never completely remove the execution barrier. The “simple” quarter-circle input could be second nature to one player, while extremely unnatural to another. That’s just an aspect of the genre, and arguably the medium of video games in general. I guess in the end, I’d rather have more options than a game in which the inputs are too “samey.” It looks like they’re doing a good job in SF5 of finding a good balance based on what we’ve seen so far.

I want to see 1-frame links disappear entirely. Given the amount of latency factors that come into play even offline with monitors, it was a stupid decision to have those in SF4 after they realized there was a market for it outside of Japanese arcades. SF4 had a half-working input buffer, and I think it was the glass ceiling of the series in the sense that once you were at the level of trying to perform links with negative edge and respond with frame-guaranteed punishes, you were actually working specifically to avoid the buffer and input shortcuts screwing things up. It resulted in more of a sine wave rather than a bell curve as far as learning the system went. Or, as such, option selects: inputs made easy for beginners, infuriating for mid-level, and gamed to cynical levels by the pros.

As with any fighting game, there’s going to be flaws. But this time I’d be happy to have one where I wasn’t forced to pick which one was actually fun to play solely base on whether or not they had a viable wakeup response.

As an xbox one owner who would like to play this, I hope the ps4 netcode screws this game hard.

I don’t say this much, but what a shitty, selfish sentiment.

Being upset is fine, but wishing failure on it because it’s not on your console is not cool.

You can still play this on your PC. Also, I believe if it wasn’t for Sony, this game would be a lot smaller in scope or coming out much later than what it currently is.

As for the netcode- the XB1 netcode for KI is the next best thing to GGPO out there right now from what I’ve been told. I think Capcom is trying to emulate it.

My big fear is Capcom screwing up the port the same way NRS really screwed things with MKX. Hearing that Capcom is handling the port itself is reassuring though (as is the Stardock-style preorder beta).

Wanting SF5 to fail because it’s not available on your platform approaches Bayonetta 2 levels of “whiny baby on the Internet.”

Oh hush. It’s not like there’s going to be a wish made over a dandelion going to seed that’s going to come true. Lighten the fuck up.

After all the inter-platform stuff that we experienced with the last gen, it’s no longer unreasonable to expect it. Especially given the increasing similarity between architectures, and especially after all of the issues that came with the fragmentation of the online playerbase and the inexplicable framerate selection issues of the PC verson of the SF4 line.

I loved my PS3 and from it I’m likely going into a PS4 because of it, but I have no problem with people who are a little pissy about dropping that much cash on a platform only to find that there’s an exclusivity deal that, due to technological advances, no longer has to do with hardware differences like it did in the PSX/Saturn era of gaming.

By most accounts, Sony basically financed this game. From what I understand it’s very similar to the Nintendo/Bayonetta 2 situation - so that comparison is quite apt.

I’d say it’s pretty unreasonable to “expect” Sony to do anything, let alone bring this game, which they paid for and are hoping will be a system seller, to their biggest competitor’s platform. All of that is ignoring the fact that Sony’s releasing it on PC as well…a space Microsoft is pretty active in.

It does look like 360 throws are being removed. Birdie doesn’t have any. His command grabs are half-circles.

This is looking like a very well-thought out system right now, with many of the issues with SF4 being dealt with (though that doesn’t mean there won’t be new issues)

Cammy’s Hooligan was also changed to the motion it was in HDR, which is another positive change input-wise.

Also plinking is supposed to be removed as well.

Bunch of SF5 exhibitions beginning now at on Capcom Fighters channel. They will be going all week.

Here’s the schedule:

edit: Nevermind, despite what the article said, it is on at the CapcomUnity channel

Been watching some of the E3 stream and I’m thoroughly impressed with this game. It seems like they cut away some of SF4’s rougher edges and have made a game that is both very accessible and very fast paced and action packed. I thought SF5 didn’t look great in the early builds, so I’m especially happy to see how well everything is coming together.

Some observations:
-combos are short in this game so far, but damage output is high. There’s no FADC like SF4, so the execution in general should be more manageable. They have apparently built “plinking” into the engine, so you can take advantage of relaxed timing on combo links without having to master a strange button pressing technique.

-The game is faster than SF4. Less hard knockdowns, shorter animations on super moves, shorter combos…all means there are less pauses in the action. The high damage also means that matches play quicker. I think aside from walk speed, everything seems to happen faster in general.

-You can’t kill with chip damage. I love this. It means you’ll still have to work to get a real hit in for the win, and there’s always an opportunity for a comeback. In most other fighting games I’ve played you can get to a point where a comeback is impossible because any chip damage will kill, but this should make for some tense and exciting moments at the end of fights.

-The V-Skill/V-Trigger stuff is neat. It seems to add another layer of uniqueness to each character’s design. Street Fighter (and other fighting games) sort of has a problem with too many characters of the same archetype not feeling different enough (Ryu/Ken/Akuma/Evil Ryu/Oni/etc/etc), but I feel like this mechanic can allow them to further separate by giving them totally different characteristics in their V-Trigger mode.

-Visible stun bar is a good thing. There’s a lot of danger in being stunned in this game since damage output is so high, so I think that visual gauge really adds tension.

-No invincibility on backdash, no FADC wakeup bailouts, and no free Ultra meter means you’re going to have to rely on good defense when getting up off the ground. Throws are one of the few moves with a hard knockdown, so there’s a lot of benefit for getting a throw in. (Also throws build a lot of stun)

I’ve been unable to tear myself away from watching the SFV streams myself…I have to say I agree with all of those impressions. It just looks fantastic and is really starting to distinguish itself from and improve upon its predecessor. I’ve been seeing positive reactions pretty much across the board from people who have had a chance to get their hands on it.

There’s been some really interesting announcements coming out of E3 this year, but this game is easily the one I’m most excited about!

Did anyone else get to play the beta at all? I only got to spend a few hours with it, but I really like how it is coming along. Everything feels very intuitive and responsive to me. In SF4, I didn’t always feel confident about applying pressure after I scored a knockdown. Between wake up ultras, invincible backdashes, and safe reversals it didn’t always feel like I had the advantage in these situations where I should have been rewarded for my neutral game play. I love how it feels in this game to get a knockdown because you can really get the mind games going. A knockdown feels properly rewarding because if you can guess correctly a few times, you’ll practically win the round via either the quick stun gauge and the easy execution high-damage combos (Ryu 50% damage combo with full meter is much easier than just about any good combo in SF4). Also there’s no chip-out kills, so no lead is insurmountable as things can completely turn around in an instant. No cheesy comeback mechanics necessary, just honest and solid play.

I’m just hoping we get the PC beta soon. I need to know what the sysreqs are, so I can determine what hardware I need to buy next year.

This game looks like it will fix many of my frustrations with SF4- mainly the 1f links. I just hope the input leniency on links is enough- I actually wish they had done more than they did.

I haven’t played any other characters yet, but Ryu’s links are super easy. Solar Plexus Strike (f-hp) into crouch hp into LK tatsu into Super is practically effortless. I don’t know how the frame data of those moves compare to SF4, but do know I always had a really hard time linking out of SPS in that game. I also get the feeling that the combos are shorter across the board (as you don’t combo out of light attacks anymore) and there’s no focus dashing, so everything should be much easier in this game execution-wise. I believe it is one of their central design goals.

Between the recent R. Mika announcement and tonight’s Karin announcement, Street Fighter Alpha 4 is looking real nice!

For those interested- these are the PC specs.