Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Try looking at it without using your brain.


Every time I click on one of these to save it for you, it makes Facebook think I want to see more of them. You are welcome.

Also, I would note, highest average bubble gum prices in history. The HORROR

Is any of that true? The claims on the poster I mean.

I mean 8 years of war, but that’s not going to stop and he got us out of Iraq. We’d had 7 years before he got there, so…

High health insurance… yes. He slowed it down, but it literally never stops rising so every month is a “new record”.

People on food stamps? Probably at the start, since we had just cratered into a recession, that’s how those work.

National Debt. Again it never stops growing. Notice how they didn’t say anything about deficits since he actually shrunk those.

As for the rest, who knows. You can make any case you want if you’re willing to ignore any and all context.

Yes and no. Shiva’s response is right on, but most of the other ones (food stamps, low economic growth, poverty level) were pretty much guaranteed to be in place for whomever followed Bush II, be they Republican, Democrat, or Korg. Honestly, the fact that there was ANY positive economic growth in the years after 2008 is a testament to Obama’s leadership.

I’m not really sure where the “rioting” one comes from. Ferguson and Baltimore I suppose… but surely they weren’t worse than the Rodney King riots in LA?

Record number of mass shootings… probably. Basically ever since Columbine, each POTUS gets that title since they never seem to ebb.

Obama literally saved the country, and likely world, from a depression that was handed to him after the GOP and their bankers looted the country for 8 years. The fact that he turned it around is amazing. And he did what was possible to start providing actual health insurance to everyone, given the obstructionist GOP. And he did it all with intelligence, grace, and a willingness to work with the GOP - possibly his biggest error, but hard to rage against, since it is in fact how the USA should work.

“Lowest economic growth in American history” is false.

While average GDP growth per quarter under Obama was an an anemic 1.2%, during the administration of Herbert Hoover, who presided over the onset of the Great Depression, it was far, far worse: -6.9% (And there are probably some other pre-WW2 presidents who had worse economies than Obama as well, e.g.Grover Cleveland.)

It is true that Obama has the worst GDP growth for any post World War 2 president. But that ignores a couple of important factors. For one thing, the 20 years or so after WW2 were an anomalous period: the rest of the industrialized world blowing itself to smithereens and needing to rely on the US to rebuild was an extraordinary event that is not (we hope) to be repeated. The numbers of Ike, JFK, and LBJ are juked by that. Likewise the end of the Cold War helps juke the numbers for Bill Clinton.

The other thing to remember is the direction of the trendlines. The economy started out great under Bush 2, but ended up a nightmare. Obama inherited an economic nightmare from Bush 2 - but by the time Obama left office, the economy was the smoothly humming dynamo (in terms of GDP growth) we know today, and that Trump likes to take credit for.

Things got worse under Bush 2. Things got better under Obama.

Trump has not turned around a single item on that meme in the 18 months he’s been in office. In fact, you could create a similar meme that says under Trump:

  • We’ve been at war since the day he was elected (16 years and counting)
  • Economic growth has declined since Obama’s terms
  • We’ve had the worst mass shooting in American history, and more than ever before in a 12 month period
  • We have record high health insurance costs and more people without insurance than under Obama
  • We have record high national debt
  • There have been more protests and riots since the Civil Rights Movement
  • There has been an increase in the number of people living below the poverty line

Funny how that works. And funny how anyone with even rudimentary reasoning skills can deduce that it’s a con job, which means most of today’s GOP voters CAN NOT.

I still believe that Education Reform is desperately needed in this country because our electorate is staggeringly undereducated. Now social media has compounded that problem tenfold, spreading disinformation and outright ridiculous lies like they are truth, and people don’t have the education or the reasoning skills to tell otherwise.

I’m not sure Obama did anything significant enough economic policy wise to really move the needle either way. The claim that he was responsible for the post-recession bounceback (such as it was) seems to me almost as dubious as the claim that he was responsible for low average growth rates through his presidency.

If I was looking for Obama achievements I’d point at Obamacare, Iran (although we still need to see where that goes) and getting the US to take climate change seriously. Unsurprisingly Trump’s GOP want to reverse all of these.

The evidence for the recovery is in comparison to other similar nations. If you map the US recovery against Europe, for example, you see that our recovery happened sooner and had stronger growth rates.

Which is the best evidence that the policies of his administration were effective.

What about the stimulus bill? Financial legislation? Saving GM? In broader terms, I think the situation at the time he was elected could have turned out much worse. I give him some credit for not doing extremely bad things.

Apples to Oranges fallacy: the recession was deeper in the US, and US trend growth rates have been higher than Europe for a long time.

I’m not saying his economic policy choices were bad (I’d agree they were sensible) - just that actually moving the needle on headline GDP requires something pretty exceptional.

The GWB administration headed off the “total meltdown” scenario, although they hardly covered themselves in glory with their handling of Lehman.

But unlike the UK, Obama pushed strongly for stimulus. We saw the UK tank and contract, even before the Brexit. It had elected to go lean, and it caused a lot of damage to the economy.

It’s easy to see how the path that Obama took made a huge difference and combat the worst of the recession.

Looking at the charts here: Sovereign doubts I’m not seeing a huge difference in fiscal trajectory between UK and US. . I think the difference was much more one of rhetoric than policy, and the differences in growth rates can be tied to higher US trend growth and UK’s greater exposure to the EU sovdebt crisis.

The chart doesn’t tell the whole story.

Oh, look goalpost moving.

You claimed that US fiscal policy and UK fiscal policy diverged approx. 2008-2015.

I disputed that claim and provided data.

You linked to a long rambling article that doesn’t mention UK fiscal policy AT ALL.

I am a little out of my league here, my background is psychology, not it’s bastard step child, economics, but I don’t get how that chart is helpful. It’s just showing that GDP to debt ratio. Is that supposed to mean anything?

