Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Since it’s Ken Ham I’m guessing it’s a Waffle House.

See above. No, that’s not what I thought. I guess the sarcasm meters are off today, or I just assumed enough people have engaged with me here over the years to know that was sarcasm.

I don’t know that I would have picked up on it, Nesrie (I didn’t catch up on the thread until you’d already clarified). You’re not often sarcastic, and you’re generally very earnest in your postings here and everywhere around QT3. I mean that as a good thing, btw!

I still don’t get the joke, Nesrie, but that’s on me, not you. Sorry for my post.

Sorry, guys and gals. I guess i see too many comments on news sites saying people are using the “race card” as a reason for… the continuation of racism. I thought I was clear with my sarcasm but that is limitation of the Internet sometimes. Perhaps you guys don’t see that remark as often as I do.

I try not to let my generally sarcastic self show too munch on the internet. I know it doesn’t play well online, but I am also a pretty literal and earnest person in life. I used to think myself pretty blunt but I’ve encountered a few folks at work who are more blunt than me, I guess not too bad in that area.

Oh, dear. (Not the Bernie post, btw. The one above it suggesting that it was Bernie and his movement that gave John Lewis the knowledge and courage to stage sit-ins.)

Wow. A (presumed) young person with an inflated sense of self importance. Unpossible.

Conservative Facebook vs Liberal Facebook.


To demonstrate how reality may differ for different Facebook users, The Wall Street Journal created two feeds, one “blue” and the other “red.” If a source appears in the red feed, a majority of the articles shared from the source were classified as “very conservatively aligned” in a large 2015 Facebook study. For the blue feed, a majority of each source’s articles aligned “very liberal.” These aren’t intended to resemble actual individual news feeds. Instead, they are rare side-by-side looks at real conversations from different perspectives.[/quote]

That’s kinda fucked up.

Eh. “Very Liberal” vs. “Very Conservative”. Of COURSE their feeds are going to be radically different.

That’s not the same thing as saying that the majority of the country receives feeds that are so very extreme. Most people lean liberal or conservative but the majority wouldn’t fall into the “very” categories.

#Alllivesmatter up in effing everywhere around these parts.

Umm… can we make it so discourse doesn’t use the “#” as a means of changing text into headers? I mean… hashtags are hashtags.

You can use the escape character (\) to show these characters.

#AllLivesMatter blows

(written by typing:)

\#AllLIvesMatter blows

I guess.

But the # symbol is probably more likely to be used for denoting hashtags, than not.

/# isn’t very intuitive.


Discourse implements Markdown, a text-formatting standard that’s seeing increasing adoption on the net (its biggest user is reddit, but wumpus’s other brainchild, StackExchange, uses it, too, as does Discord). It’s unfortunately a fragmented standard, so if anything, Discourse starting to swap out elements of it willy-nilly probably just makes the issue worse.

And I’ll do anything to avoid bbcode. UGH BBCODE.

Dude, forget reddit and StackExchange, Markdown is what you use for your readme page on GitHub! :geeky-smiley-emoji:

Try using the preformatted text icon

Watch #testing

But is it stupid?

That’s probably among the best things on Facebook, not stupidest!

bah people are having fun with Pokemon. There are worse things in the world to enjoy. I think the anti-pokemon group seems to take a lot of time with their rants. The ones that seem to enjoy just post how many they caught in a day, three sentences or less.

Plus they’re out there EXERCISING. Which we could all use more of.