Stupid shit you see on Facebook

No lie. And like… socializing with people in their town. God forbid.

Most of the people bitching about it on my feeds are either dude-bros or parents with kids too small to play the thing. Meanwhile people with older kids are loving it and doing stuff with their children. OH THE HUMANITY.

Ironically, the complainers also tend to be “family values” oriented types. I guess doing stuff with your kid that’s fun doesn’t count… if it’s outside… or something.

How do you find this stuff?

Pokemon : Obama’s Third Term

Wow. Just fucking wow.

I’m not sure at this point you could force the dude to serve a third term at gunpoint, but somehow the conspiracy lives on.

Your electorate, ladies and gentlemen!

I think it’s great that this game encourages exercise and socializing. I’ll never play it, but I suspect it’s better for our culture than another FPS.

However, it points out that we really need to regulate staring at your phone while driving. Some states have laws about texting while behind the wheel, but I regularly see people driving in the local park, with every occupant of the car evidently playing. This includes the driver.

They had a Pokemon Pub Crawl here last week. I just don’t see how that could be a bad thing. Although I do feel for some of the businesses that have been disturbed by this.

19 year old me would have thought Pokemon go was lame. Cause it is lame man… Hey, do you want to listen to these unreleased Smashing Pumpkins b-sides in my room while being super straight edge?

Don’t act like 19 year old me,

he was an idiot.

19 year old you sounds not too dissimilar to 19 year old me. I’d like to go back and beat a few things into 19 year old me’s head, but I don’t think I could take him. Was in even better shape then than I am now.

Is it just me, or do Teens not understand the concept of fun?

Be careful out there. Watch out for Satanic mind control, and take your holy water I guess?

Fuck everything.
Time to hand the world over to the bees.
Or I guess we killed the bees? Ants then.

Just as a big thunderstorm was rolling in, this kid comes down my dirt road on his bike, one hand on his phone, obviously hunting Pokemon. Not a bad thing at all, just made me chuckle. Not even Mother Nature was gonna stop him! To be fair, it’s a dirt road with limited traffic and he was going really slow, so there was like zero hazard to him or anyone else. But yeah, I didn’t even think there would be any Pokemon out here in the near-boonies.

“The real point is Melania Trump has lived, applied and believed her words shared. Michael, er Michelle Obama believes none of what she herself said. It is so refreshing to hear a genuine person share a heartfelt message, who is part of an accomplished family steeped in love and integrity.”

Wait, is that some sort of dig on Michelle Obama for being…manly? Dude-ish? Is that a thing among the dumber segments of America? Good god.

Ugh, to think I actually acted as a reference when this guy was applying to be an officer a few years back. . .

Yes, this is a thing. I think it’s because she’s got toned arms, and is also meant as an attempt to dig at Obama for being not manly enough.

Just add it to the list of secret bad things Obama is.

So you have been lucky enough to miss all that “Michelle is really a guy” stuff. Sometimes it pays to avoid some web sites.

Turns out Trump’s Razor (the stupidest explanation is generally the correct one) is applicable to a lot more than just Trump on the American right. What a powerfully stupid segment of the population.

The hate for Obama goes well beyond what most would consider rational. personally I think there was a major change in public discourse during the Clinton years, whether it was Limbaugh or the Impeachment. It became okay to verbally attack the president personally. The GOP got it back when the left joined the fun and went after Bush and it has been a full on character assassination party ever since.

OK. I am a fan of this.

If someone stood on stage at the GOP convention and accused Obama of raping white children in the white house basement, half the crowd would cheer. The other half would stand there looking uncomfortable. Nobody would boo.

That party is going whole hog on dehumanizing their enemies.