Stupid shit you see on Facebook

Passive aggressiveness from Trump supporters is kind of hilarious.

“It continues to baffle me that so many of you feel that the rest of us give to rips about your personal political viewpoint.”

Unless you know, it’s MY political view then let me tell you how I’m right and you’re wrong. I think she’s just upset that everyone else sees through Trump’s bullshit so her whole feed is people ripping on Trump and his supporters.

But shit man, you can’t let blacks and Mexicans think they’re equal to white folks!

When she wanted to use the Nice attack to bitch about Obama to everyone, well that was cool and awesome and we all were supposed to give a rip. Or when she wants to tell you have evil and shitty BLM is, well that’s relevant and totally not politics.

Edit: I was soooo tempted to post “It continues to baffle me that so many of you feel that the rest of us give to rips about your kids and what you cooked/ate.” But it would rightfully piss off a lot of people that don’t remotely deserve it.

Are you drunk?

I wish.

Just a big text image with this:
“Millions of people playing a game made from a foreign company. A game that uses your camera that feeds onto their servers. People exploring sensitive areas to include police stations, restricted zones, military installations, etc. If I was plotting a major offensive attack… what better way to gather your intel than from the nation’s citizens themselves; and mask it as an innocent nostalgic game. Think about it.”

Because Japan is totally going to invade us. It worked out so well for them the last time.

Also, pretty sure police stations aren’t “sensitive areas” I can walk into one right now. I seriously can’t even.

Oh come on.

Think about it.



This is a country that’s attacked the US once already!

Simpsons di-


South Park did it.

People that post shit like that really have a lot more faith in LTE data services to upload live streams of video than I do.

And the same folks paranoid about Pokemon are probably sending all of their personal data to porn sites.

And my snarky reply:

[quote]A public venue went four days without a mass shooting? What a stunning achievement in our nation’s history!

Oh and “An armed society is a polite society.” sounds like a slogan out of a Cold War era cautionary tale. If you’re using guns to keep your society “polite” then you don’t have a polite society; you have a culture of fear—a rabbit hole we are perilously close to falling into.[/quote]


Besides, weren’t they prohibiting guns in the arena in the first place?

Yes. And also … Cleveland sees deadliest weekend of 2016 despite increased police presence for RNC -

I mean, seriously. Being armed just makes a person more deadly. It doesn’t shield, it just heightens the ability to cause harm and in turn avenge it. I’m not against gun ownership in the slightest, but some seriously moronic tropes have been dragged out in support of it.

That picture is missing a majestic screaming eagle.

Just posted this on FB (WHIO is a local news channel):

Despite my post from a month ago to avoid WHIO’s news posts because
of the spectacular quality of the comments, I’m apparently a weak-willed
bastard and can’t seem to stay away. So I tried having a
rational discussion with some of the resident commentators of SW Ohio
regarding Michelle Obama’s speech at the DNC this evening. Thus far
I’ve seen these gems posted:
–they (the Obama family) are animals
–Obama is the worst president in all of American history
–Obama is secretly training ISIS
–Obama is a Muslim
–Michelle is actually a man

At what point did everyone begin feeling the need to sound like some asshole radio shock jock?

My thoery is that every city has a few dozen rabid animals who take over whatever your local news site is and trash it with crazed right-wing rants. It’s pretty much exactly the same here in liberal Bay Area, but it’s peppered with anti-GMO, anti-vax and pro-pot zealots.

Ran into this insanity this morning…a few same people jumped in to try and talk her down but no luck.

“Putin for one has the balls to protect the people of Russia from terrorists. He gets it. He apparently doesn’t approve of Killary either.”

But err, Putin, really? Several folks point out he’s not exactly a great role model.

“I don’t defend him on all points. No one is perfect. Will you still defend Killary if God forbid she rigs the election enough to get elected and her buddies - aka terrorists she’s taking money from and wanting to let into this country rape and kill your wife and child?! Open your eyes! Get out of Disneyland! Don’t let the land of fruits and nuts cloud your judgement with whatever is cool out there to believe.”

Wait, do you even know any Muslims? She lives in some small town in Ohio.

“No, I haven’t seen one, and I hope I never do! He’s not racist. That’s one of the few things the media is convincing people of. Yes, I do remember you have a Mexican wife . What does that have to do with terrorists? You’ve never answered any of my questions about what you feel about the terrorist situation and what they could do to the women you love.”

It goes on and on…so amazingly sad that so much of our country has so much hate built up inside them.

Decades of right-wing media building their audience by feeding the flames.

This election is great evidence and should be used when introducing legislation to reestablish and update the fairness doctrine. Thus is what you get with 2 decades of echo chambers