The decline to moral bankruptcy of the GOP

Clarifying what the above means by “the Broidy news:”

Poor guy. Pay for a few abortions for your mistresses, and you’re the devil.

There’s that family values the GOP keeps shoving down everyone’s throat, oh and the no one should ever, under ANY circumstances be able to have an abortion… unless it involves them, then all things are instantly available because they have money.

The party of family values, law and order:
RNC Finance Committee Members:

Steve Wynn - Chair - Resigns amid sexual assault allegations

Michael Cohen - Deputy Chair - Under criminal investigation for bank fraud, wire fraud and campaign finance violations

Broidy - Elliot Deputy Chair - Resigns for paying $1.6M to a playboy bunny to cover up an affair

What’s the point of even getting into politics if you can’t do playboy bunnies and secret abortions??

Sounds like Cohen is really fucked. There has been a NY grand jury investigating him for a while, covert search warrants for his communications, and other fun.


“What people are investigating me?”
“All of them? All of them.”

“Family Values” means discriminating against LGBT. “Law and Order” means jailing minorities.

It’s not so much hypocrisy as well organized evil.

Ryan has endorsed Kevin McCarthy as his successor as Speaker of the House.

Recall that McCarthy had been up for Speaker in 2015, but had to withdraw after fellow Republicans threatened to make a scandal about an affair he was having with another Representative.

But that was waaaaaay back in 2015. The 2018 GOP is fine with adultery, not to mention hush money to porn stars, sexual assault, and cruising for teenagers.

Bevin says that “he guarantees” that somewhere in Kentucky a child was sexually molested because the teachers were on strike for a single school day. No one made what I think are the obvious rejoinders:

  • Your police departments must really suck if there are sexual predators waiting around in Kentucky homes for kids to play hooky.
  • If you’re depending on teachers to protect kids from sexual predators and drug abuse while they are off of school grounds, YOU SHOULD PAY THEM FOR THAT.

This may have already been answered, but regarding Ryan’s upcoming retirement, I read somewhere that he can keep and use however he likes, tax free, a bunch of money from some PAC or other?

Probably via various manipulations.

I remember when Colbert showed how you could basically take money from a PAC and do nearly anything with it, including putting it in your pocket if you really wanted.

Once again, remember all those Tea Party Republicans railing against eminent domain abuse? Yes, they sure are quiet now.

Apropos of nothing other than this being something of a GOP catch-all, a statement from the office of former President GHW Bush says that Barbara – in failing health at age 92 – will forego further treatment and doctors will simply make her comfortable for her remaining time.

The GOP lied and the tax cut was really just to make the rich richer? What a surprise.
Note: my taxes went up because I’m sick and lower middle-class.

The first line of that article is really badly worded.

Also, fuck Republicans.

The issue is there is no law requiring any of the tax savings to be passed to rank and file employees. All of the promised wealth growth is just bullshit and people are stupid enough to believe it. In fact, the converse may be true: any Board of Directors that tries to pass tax savings onward to rank and file employees would probably be excoriated by the shareholders.

This encapsulates the entire problem with supply side tax cuts: if you cut taxes on the supply side without doing anything for the demand side, then the supply side has absolutely no incentive to increase supply. This means prices won’t go down, and employers won’t hire new employees to produce more goods: there’s no need b/c there’s no extra demand. A supply side tax cut without a comparable boost to the demand side simply increases profits for the owners of capitol. It’s elementary economics.

Just think about it: supplies pay less taxes, but the demand for that supply is unchanged. So there’s no economic reason for supply to increase, which means no economic reason to hire more workers, and also no reduction in consumer prices due to increase supply.

This has always been clear to anyone with even a mid-level understanding of economics. It astonishes me that the obviously incorrect model of “trickle down economics” continues to be espoused after 45 years of failing to deliver on its promises.

The idea was to “promote investment” by increasing the capital supply. OK, but without any increase in demand all that does is increase the return on capital; it does not actual “super-charge” the economy. In general terms, if you want to “super-charge” the economy you would provide boosts to both supply and demand, by, you know, maybe borrowing money at low treasury rates and investing in long term productivity boosts like infrastructure, health care and education. Pump money to workers increasing demand and at the same time buy the goods and services of suppliers, providing more profit to invest.

It is true that if you are in a period of big capital shortage with high interest rates, a direct boost to the supply side, is probably necessary to increase the capital pool and make possible an expansion. But at the same time, you need to boost demand to complete that cycle. Trickle down economics is like supercharging an engine by pumping up the intake and doing nothing for the exhaust. Yeah, you’ll get a small short term boost, but, um, that whole cycle thing is not going to work long term.

And when interest rates are low, and the capital pool is ginormous, like now. you don’t even need to boost supply directly: the increased profit produced by increased sales to meet increased demand will fund expansion. (That’s an example of how a credit/finance model works. Wall Street is actually pretty damn good at this step.)

Bah, I’m just repeating myself. Because this is so easy and obvious, and yet they keep peddling it.

Well, crap. I’d about convinced myself she was immortal. She will be missed.