The Division 2 - Make Washington D.C. Great Again

So, uh, I have been playing since last wednesday without realizing I have 4 armor repair kits on me that don’t auto deploy and I can use them to heal myself. I am not a smart man. Not surprisingly it’s not quite so hard to go solo now…

Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition. The following programs consumed the most virtual memory: TheDivision2.exe (19236) consumed 14899511296 bytes, chrome.exe (8728) consumed 1284427776 bytes, and chrome.exe (11816) consumed 937283584 bytes.

That’s 15GB.

I knew that buying that 32GB of memory for my current build over 2 years ago would eventually come in handy.


To be fair, the game explains almost nothing about its systems. Though I think that is one thing it does explain.

I have no idea. PS4 don’t make it easy to find the /played value.

This game is fun, and also visually stunning.

Yeah I am still in center city, and the amount of crap on the streets along with how the AI can maneuver around it, is impressive.


Tom should be around to get me on the “fun” part also!

Forget if someone here already said this, but it’s a useful piece of info if playing on the PS4.

So, you get those constant messages about someone needing assistance. To respond to them can be kind of weird, in that you kind of dig through a bunch of menus and crap, and it’s not obvious.

However, you can also do it the easy way:
When you get notification of someone needing help, long-press the touchpad.
This brings up a map with markers for all the active requests for assistance. You can highlight one, and then long-press up on the cross pad, to immediately join their game.

This makes the whole joining process much quicker and more seamless, which is nice.

If you go to the Character Selection Screen, the info panel on the right showing your level and current location also includes total time played with the character. (That’s how I know I’ve spent an embarrasingly huge amount of time playing Division 1 — 11 days! 19 hours, and 49 minutes on my main character, 2 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes on a secondary character I use when playing with my brother who is only an occasional gamer).

It tells you on the character select screen when you first boot up the game.

So can someone explaim all the color-coding around your level?

Thats your class specialization numbers that are affected by your gear.

Fighter (RED)/ Tech-Mage (YELLOW)/ Tank (BLUE)

I am enjoying my time with the game but I have this sneaking feeling it’s going to end up much like the first game, where virtually nothing you do really matters until you ding 30. None of your gear is going to matter for sure, it’s kind of like the campaign is your tutorial for getting used what your skills can do, how enemies react, and then they turn you loose on the real world. Which isn’t terrible, the campaign is pretty decent. I just can’t shake this feeling that I’m just biding time, trying to hit 30 ASAP.

That’s how I approach all these games now, yeah. I did the same with Anthem. Just equipped whatever was the highest power at the moment so that I could replace it again 15 minutes later on my march to L30.

Finally hit WT1 last night and was pleased to see that the difficulty continues to ramp up.

I picked the sharpshooter specialisation and plan on maining ARs and rifles - I think the loss of straight up damage bonus that survivalist gets for ARs will be offset by increased stability.

I am still like level 13, as I haven’t had time to devote to it, but I’m really enjoying it. The one thing that is most annoying (and it’s a function I think of the whole “real game starts at 30” thing) is that weapon upgrades are few and far between. That, and the incremental increases from things like holsters or masks makes gear management something of a nuisance (not to mention the loadout system which makes you reset everything every time you change your belt buckle).

It would be nice if the game actually told you stuff, too. Like, how those odd ammo types (fire, high-velocity, shock) actually work? I figured out that they simply load in to your existing magazine automatically, so you have to time picking them up rather than as in the first game actually switching to them (Alt+1, Alt+2, etc.). Why the hell they decided to change what was a perfectly logical system this time is beyond me.

Yup, the old system was better.

It doesn’t make that big a difference in the long run though. It is more about your two abilities than having a 30 clip of fire ammo - even though it would be nice to have.

There is a armor/weapon perk that gives your sidearm special ammo (3) when you “do something”, but even that doesn’t really make much of a difference.

Just aim for the head/weakpoint/armor.

Its kind of funny, I never once used the incendiary or explosive ammo in the first game, mainly because I just never thought about it. So I totally get the change, just use it when you pick it up. I can see how some folks wouldn’t like having the option taken away from them though.