The GOP is still morally corrupt, even if Discourse breaks

They either want CA to secede or fall off into the ocean.

They’ll want that until they’re hungry, then not so much.

Then who will pay for all those Trumpers on government programs in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Alabama?

Hahhahahahahaha like they’ve thought that far ahead. They just want people not exactly like them to suffer.

Russia has been pushing for it behind the scenes for a while now.

Also if CA or NY secede we would rightfully declare war on them, which in some “conservative” minds is a wet dream. Thinking about literally invading and destroying liberal strongholds (legally on top of it) makes them super horny.

I don’t know, I imagine invading California might be a tough assignment. Especially if the current US forces there join them instead of us. It could make invading Iran look like a cakewalk.

I smell a right-wing-nut novel. Or maybe a bad movie, for the mouth-breathers who don’t read.

No one ever said their fever dreams were rational. These are people who support Trump for the most part.

Plus all liberals are pussies who hate guns anyway, it will be easy! /s

I think they’ve kind of given up trying to carve it out so that parts of CA with OR can be one of the poorest states in the union.

The State of Jefferson!

I would absolutely love to see the east coast separate off into a new country, and the west coast to do the same. Whether they are both part of the SAME country is problematic, but either way would be great.

Watching the South shrivel up and die when their buck-thirty they get back for every dollar in federal taxes suddenly go away would be absolutely hilarious. And yes, the east and west coasts are QUITE capable of taking care of themselves with food, energy, and anything else they need. Plus, since we wouldn’t be subsidizing fly-over country any longer, our own taxes could go down, or at least be diverted to paying for things we want, like better health care and better energy and etc.

Ooh, and just imagine the treaties we could sign with Canada, Mexico, and Europe, once we didn’t have to deal with the southern and plains states! I’m guessing Michigan and Illinois and a lot of other states would come begging to join our new country.

The last I saw serious comment like this was in 2018 when SC legislators discussed voting to secede because of federal gun laws. But nothing recent since the Russian source of the Ca. succession movement left the country.


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: Jeffrey Epstein did some bad bad things

As a Californian I very much do not want to experience what South Carolina experienced in 1864-65. Of course if any state seceded its reisdents, at least those with the capacity to move, would face a choice whether to secede with it.

I’m fortunate enough to only have one batshit insane conservative family in-law, the husband off my wife’s aunt. He called my wife drunk the night before the election to tell her why she shouldn’t vote for “Hillary.” She put him on speakerphone so I could listen and he sounded exactly like that letter to the editor only it was a stream of consciousness regurgitating the Fox anti-Clinton talking points. At no part in the conversation did he indicate any understanding of the topics he was rattling off. They were just random, unconnected buzz words and phrases. Benghazi, her emails, the Clinton Foundation, and on and on. I got the definite feeling that if I were to stop him and ask him to explain any one of those issues in detail he wouldn’t be able to.

I used to enjoy tricking him into taking liberal positions by repackaging them in conservative frames of reference but I no longer speak to him because the last time my daughter visited his house she clogged his toilet by using too much toilet paper and he insisted that I pay his plumbing bill which included a new toilet. (I did not pay btw and basically told him he was a garbage person with no concept of basic human concepts like hospitality and family.)

She sounds like a first-round draft pick for Armando’s grave-shitting team. :D

9 posts were split to a new topic: Jeffrey Epstein did some bad bad things

Will there is no low to which they will not stoop?

It’s like, you hear Scott Walker speak, and you assume he’s just some hyper partisan hack, and then he posts a picture of that, says it’s pizza, and you realize that he’s a hyper partisan hack who is also just idiotic on every possible level.

slow clap