The Intellivision is returning, and it has a new boss

“Problem in our society is that people like to laugh at failure”

No, the problem Jaffe, is Tommy lied unrepentantly through this entire process. He couldn’t open his mouth without making something up or throwing another ridiculous fib onto the pile. He was deceptive, dishonest, and you could open a thesaurus and throw every other term in the definition and apply it to Tommy. You don’t get to will things into being by being another Theranos.


Jaffe is kind of washed up these days known mor for his edgy opinions.

I read that as “Joffre” and thought to myself, “washed up, sure, but at least he’s no Nivelle.”

Isn’t “Atmosphere” used for Switch piracy?

Someone on AtariAge/ShillAge finally noticed this icon displayed on TV at one of the (3) public Astroturf events just last year as the company was in dire straits behind the scenes and missed its 3rd self imposed launch date.

So after THREE YEARS the scammers at Intellivision were still faking finished hardware on some other hardware like a hacked Nintendo Switch or Android box.

That definitely sounds like a worthwhile and trustworthy target to piss away millions of dollars and not have anything to show for it!

With FCC emissions testing still not passed for years and a hurdle to selling an assembled unit (not that they have any component parts, money for said parts or money to pay any factory to assemble and ship them) dumbass Tommy Tallarico thought the $15k-20k (EACH) tumbling and battery testing he wasted crowdfunders’ money on was needed for testing like in those old IKEA and Timex commercials.

That’s a different “Atmosphere.” According to the former Intellivision employee posting in this thread, it was a prototype game, not an Android launcher or piracy tool as others have guessed. Something to do with music and lights. We never got to see it, as far as I could tell.

The person who posted that has a 4-year-old Reddit account with no posts until the few in that thread. His username is his real name spelled backwards, which matches the name of an Intellivision firmware engineer who was there for like 3 years.

Intellivision has now been caught faking certification spotted in the form of fake stickers on the underside of their controllers in their last desperate investment solicitation video.


Intellivision: no detail too large or small for these fuckups to lie about

Many Roblox players are up in arms today because they blame Tommy Tallarico for removal of the iconic oof sound created by Joey Kuras.

More people are learning about grifter Tommy Tallarico and the Amico scam.

All of that is totally reasonable if all the rest of it wasnt a scam.

Other smaller and bigger companies managed to release hardware plus Intellivision’s software lineup of simplistic games had not progressed any. Hence, the scam. Here COVID is nothing but a flimsy excuse.

They actually did score $11M of their crowdfunding in 2020. A tip-off on how they had no intention of delivering any finished product can be found in their “patented game balancing Karma engine” being completely non existent as admitted by Tommy himself on multiple occasions.

I saw someone else comparing Amico preorders to throwing a ball onto a roulette wheel, as if that were normal or acceptable

Tallarico’s mentions on Twitter are really savage and I would not be surprised if he went private again. The Roblox kids are PISSED at the “oof” removal and many of them are (correctly) blaming him.

The fraud continues with Phil Adam perpetuating the grift.

I love Phil’s bald-faced lie that they suddenly decided to shut down the physical office because everyone is “working from home” now anyways. Do these scammers know how ridiculous they sound after it’s now apparent to the world? So much for Derek vouching for his integrity when they are selectively ignoring refund requests and still communicating with their useful idiot cultists.

It was more important to keep the charade going for years to be able to pay themselves instead of releasing at slightly higher component cost. Now it’s more important to continue the grift instead of doing the right thing and providing full refunds and shutting down when your company and its vapourware product are a fucking joke with no path to success.

Because the cosplay must continue!

Damien is the worst source for this kind of thing but I guess the companies talk to him since he’ll print anything without question.

If everyone is working from home anyway, why did they lease those giant offices in the first place? And why did they let so many people go instead of giving up the expensive lease? What were the terms? These wouldn’t be difficult to ask.

Sure, for a real journalist to ask. Not for a knob slopper apparently.

All those people who left for other jobs are working from home now LOL.

Man, what an education this thread has been. I met Tommy once long ago and he was a nice enough guy, but I wasn’t depending on him for a paycheck (or a return on investment). This whole adventure turned awful.

How long before the thread title is changed to “The Intellivision is returning, and it has a new loss”

check Tommy’s replies on Twitter, he’s extra unpopular now that Roblox has removed the “oof” sound … all because he tried to get a payday out of it.

Roblox has spent over 200 MILLION $ to keep the oof

I highly doubt that.