The Outer Worlds - Obsidian's Fallout New Vegas in Space

They look nice, as long as things remain static. It is really the animation work that is awful.

FO3 and Skyrim also have this weird plasticky rounded edges look to everything. All the meshes are smoothed.

I see this in Outer Worlds too. Heck, even the original FO1 had this (although the meshes are turned into 2D sprites). But the overall designs are more colorful, prettier, less drab.

FO4 on the other hand looks really really good from the get-go. (Judging by screenshots.)

I think it preloads some sliver of something, but not the full game, at least on PC.

So… Pretty sure we’ve confirmed that you can’t mod Game Pass games because of the way Microsoft packages them. Is this accurate?

Because I love modding games like this so if this is accurate I’ll have to get it through Epic.

Developers control the mod support for gamepass games now. So someone needs to ask Obsidian!


The environment is wonderfully beautiful, but the character models don’t look so good.

Unity has been working real hard on rendering quality and performance, and these days looks super-capable in the right hands.

Unfortunately I’m not sure we’ve seen the right hands applied to any published work yet, outside of their internal demo teams!

IGN interviews a dev to show off character creation.

I like the UI and the point buy system, but I have a few concerns (like why does Intelligence govern your critical hit damage, and why is Hacking/Science skills governed by Charm*?) but overall this looks neat. Dare I say… keen?

*These skills are also governed by Intelligence I noticed a bit later, but I still don’t get why Charm is even part of the equation.

I like the skill system - we’ve talked about it before, but I think it’s clever to be able to spend one point to get many skills updated until they hit 50, at which point you have to start specializing and increasing skills one at a time.


What I did not know was each skill has tiered perks that unlock as you hit certain milestones in them For example, it looks like Dodge grants “recovery speed +100%” when you hit 20 points, or handgun critical hits ignore armor at Master level. Plus the skill points themselves are slowly improving the skill as well, which is key - if it was just getting to these milestones that would be kind of boring, imo.

Then they show off the aptitude system, which helps encourage role playing and sounds like a fun system (plus it gives a small bonus), and goes on from there into appearance, name, summary - the rest of character creation. Enjoy!

Yeah a lot of that is because to achieve that level of quality in Unity is a nightmare. Just a pain in the ass and super time consuming at every level.

Unity’s strength isn’t a dazzling engine. Its strength is that it’s easy for everyone to make a game.

If you want dazzle, just use UE4 and save a lot of time.

Obsidian released a nice graphic showing where and when the game will be available next week:

The day one patch for physical console copies is going to be an estimated 38 GB download for Xbox players and 18 GB for PS4 players.

The system requirements are nice and low:

System requirements for PC


  • OS : Windows 7 (SP1) 64bit
  • CPU : Intel Core i3-3225 or AMD Phenom II X6 1100T
  • RAM : 4GB
  • GPU : Nvidia GTX 650 Ti or AMD HD 7850
  • HDD Space: 40GB


  • OS : Windows 10 64bit
  • CPU : Intel Core i7-7700K or Ryzen 5 1600
  • RAM : 8GB
  • GPU : GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or Radeon RX 470
  • HDD Space: 40GB

Please be good, please be good, please be good.

Is this the first AAA game launching into a very low cost game streaming service?


Not sure if it was the first or not, but Gears of War 5 launched on Game Pass same time as it launched elsewhere.

…except Game Pass is not streaming, so not actually sure what you mean lol :)

Oops I meant game subscription service.

I just can’t remember any other time in gaming history that I could play through a brand new AAA game for a couple of dollars like this! I have no interest in Gears 5 so that explains it, it’s not the first then.

Gears 5, Sea of Thieves, Forza Horizon 4, …

If this is anything like FNV (which I got in 2010 and completed again last week) I’d better get a proper version, not a subscription one.

Also if it’s anything like FNV I should probably wait for a lot of fixes which will probably correspond with some sort of sale.

Games are cheaper to buy (assuming you are buying around when they are still full price) for Gamepass subscribers as we get discounts on games on the service.

So we get to both try it and purchase it for less if we like it. Win-win.

Umm wasn’t the latter two released last year? I thought Game Pass for PC launched this year? I probably should have mentioned that I was only referring to PC, master race and all that.

On the other hand, Microsoft Store doesn’t seem to have regional pricing. I’m blessed to live in a country where average income approaches $500 so Steam and Gog and Epic and most others make stuff much cheaper for us. Like Age of Empires 2 DE costs ~$8 on Steam and $20 on Microsoft store. That’s one of numerous reasons Microsoft store looks bad compared to competitors.

Oh, for sure. This is more an “all things being equal” kind of benefit of Gamepass. In UK, trying out the game and getting to buy it if it’s a long term keeper is nice. But understandably much less appealing in your case.

Only a week to go. I can’t wait to find out how good it is. I’ve been looking forward to it.