Titanfall 2 - Maybe this time it will retain players?

Dude, this is pretty much its cheapest price. And it is at 50%.


33% for Brazil. Just checked.

Oh. Well shit, I’m sorry.

No need to be. I know you meant well. :)

Yeah, I can’t keep track of where everyone lives, but still.

Where hearts were entertaining June
We stood beneath an ember moon
And softly murmured, someday soon

Sorry, my brain always does that when someone mentions Brazil. Yes, I know I’m a strange person.

No need to be sorry. Also, be aware that every time I reply to you on this forum from now on, I’ll find a way to mention Brazil. Just saying. ;)

Well, at least it’s not Nickelback.

Awesome news - I REALLY enjoyed the MP in this one, PVP and all. Its way faster than most games, but Its also pretty tactical.

More content!? Amazing. I… I think I’m going to have to pick up a cosmetic pack or something to show my support. This is nuts.

That or Overwatch, which is also pretty amazing. But, In terms of regular FPS (I think Overwatch is like 50% FPS and 50% character action game), nothing comes close to the movement feel and excitement of multiplayer matches. Flying around with that grappling hook is so damn fun. Doom is good too, but Titanfall 2 is definitely the best FPS this gen. DOOM is amazing, but there is no multiplayer, and Overwatch is something beyond FPS.

I am really excited to try the PvE stuff. Anyone playing on PS4? Or do I need to pick up the PC version?

I think the PS4 has the biggest playerbase. I myself play on PC.

Yeah, I got burned by Titanfall 1, PC player base went away very quickly… so I picked it up on PS4.

People are still playing on PC, and I have a feeling this’ll bring a lot of people on (that and being on EA Access).

They are doing another free access period on the 28th, I think.

DOOM does have multiplayer?

And I play on PS4, and there is a LOT of players there still.

It’s coming to EA Access probably in the next few weeks.

It’s Splatoon for me, but TF2 for first-person shooting without a doubt.



Shame the PC version has so few players tho. Could’ve played it on PS4 if it was x-platform purchase :)

It’s not so bad, I’ve never had to wait more than a couple minutes for a match.