Titanfall 2 - Maybe this time it will retain players?

Woo this is fun!

Hell yeah! Its great when you pull off some awesome moves! I promised a co-worker to actually show him some footage - Its one of the few games where I find its actually interesting to share a good match.

Campaign finished, little under 7 hours.

It was 8/10 fun, though nowhere near the “best FPS since HL2!” hype some people claimed. Just way too many boring factories/bases to go through. Best missions were obviously Effect and Cause (its effect was a bit diminished for me due to playing Dishonored 2 first, which took the same idea and executed it vastly more ambitiously) and the second one with waterfalls.

Gameplay - movement/shooting, I have no qualms with, it was great and the wallrunning/sliding never got old.

I liked the BT/Cooper interactions, pretty fun writing there and giving options on what to say was quite inspired. Such a good decision to make Cooper speak, I hate silent protagonists.


Good campaign.

Tried the coop mode today, awesome :)

Think I went from like 20 to 35 or something in the few matches I played, even managed to stream it with OBS (the one Bungie hates). mostly put my Titan on Defense mode somewhere he’d act as a turret, then I stood on top of a building sniping the enemy titans with my level 15… err, G3.4 something anti-titan rifle, I gained so many merits with it, it was awesome.

Had a great ending of the evening, joine a match on wave 3 and managed to be top damage dealer in those 3 rounds thanks to standing on top of a really small rock with a turret and my sniper :)

We ended one wave with 2% hp left on our objective, not the best round, but… we won.

tl;dr; Should’ve been there from launch :-)

Something new being announced today:

Another free DLC… more maps for frontier defense, live fire, new weapons skins, executions, etc.

Give them credit in continuing to support the game after almost a year.

I know Ubisoft has gone hard with that philosophy (keep trying to make a game go regardless of the initial performance) I’m hoping it catches on with more devs. Having a blast in the coop

I think I might play some tonight on PC. Are they cross platform? Could we all play together for coop?

I got to a part of the campaign last night that looked so familiar that I was 100% sure that I’d played through that section before. Did the game somehow wipe my saved progress? What the hell was going on? Was it having me go back through the same area again or something?

And then 2 minutes later it finally hit me: Oh I get it. I’ve played through this before because this was the part of the campaign that was in the Titanfall 2 free preview weekend/demo a few months back. I’ve just gotten to the demo portion of the campaign, that’s all. Phew.

Ohhh, you’re that far in already!? Yay!

So since I got a shiny new Android phone, of COURSE I had to download Titanfall Assault. I thought I would hate it, but I’m finding it shockingly fun!

So this is pretty great. :)

Also, it looks like the next few months will get mostly bug fixes and QoL updates.


I never bought TF2 and would like to play the campaign, so hopefully this means a sweet Origin sale soon.

Just buy the damn thing, it’s awsome. Single and multiplayer.

What Jason said.

It’s so cheap now.
Buy it.

Support companies that make good games!

I just resumed my campaign tonight.

Oh yeah! That’s why I put it aside for a while! This factory level is so hard! I was getting constantly crushed left and right. Hopefully the break means that I’ll come back fresh and get through the factory with no problems.

It’s free on EA Access.