The worst? I couldn’t say. I dig bad horror, and especially bad apocalypse horror, so I tend to find some value even in the crappy ones. For instance, The Day is a YA apocalypse cannibal siege movie. Pretty bad. But it’s where I fell hard for Ashley Bell, the sweet little girl from Last Exorcism. Holy cats, turns out she’s quite the bad-ass! So, The Day is terrible, but I’m sure glad I saw it.
I’m afraid I can’t count myself among the fans of The Quiet Earth. :( But I know someone who can! Let’s see if we can summon @ChristienMurawski to get in here and post his top apocalypse movies.
Just watched this and you’re not wrong. Do you like dirt bikes? Do you like dirt bikes exploding? Do you like literal torture porn? Well you’re in luck, because that’s all that happens in the entire movie.
Neither The Postman nor Waterworld are bad movies, they’re just unambitious I guess. They take interesting premises and then don’t really do anything with them.
I find Waterworld to be a lot worse. I can have the Postman on during work and just sort of half pay attention and still enjoy it. The dialogue, the acting, the survival want but clearly they’re suiciding characters in need of a rescue all the time it’s… bad. The idea though seemed not terrible.
I always wondered why no one has tried to make a film adaptation of Lucifer’s Hammer? Would work quite well as a limited series, I think. I mean, pseudo-autocratic post-apocalyptic militarized agrarian survivalist refuge in California? Lots of subplot possibilities there.
Agree. I’d throw that in with Canticle for Leibowitz (which @divedivedive mentioned earlier) as absolute candidates for a film/series, that have just never happened. Canticle would make a great 3 part arc.