Torment: Tides of Numenera

PC, win8. I want to dismiss it as an engine issue, but I’ve never had this problem with Wasteland 2, PoE or Tyranny.

I had a weird blurriness issue caused, I think, by a strange interaction with Windows Clear Text, years and years ago.

Personally, I would upgrade to 10. It does a much better job with DPI issues, whereas 8 had the first real stab at handling it. Makes much more sense to me that you have issues like that still being on 8.

There is a LOT of text in this game. Actually, it might be too much for me. So far, it seems more like a fancy “Choose-your-adventure” type of game, than a real rpg. While this may be exactly what a lot of people want, I find my interests have shifted, and if I want to read a lot of text, I usually fire up my kindle as I do every night and read a book.
Actually, thats more or less what this seems to be - a novel, just dressed up as a game.

Looks great, and plays well, but be very sure this is what you want, before purchasing.

I don’t see how it could be a DPI issue because it’s set to default (100%) and I’m playing the game in a native resolution. In all the years that I’ve been gaming on PC I’ve only had a dpi scaling issue once and that was back on win7 and 125% scaling. Unfortunately I can’t remember which game it was but I think the launcher was offset and the actual game was fine.

It does seem a little like that, but I think I’m okay with it. I joked on Tom’s stream that it starts with a Twine game like Firewatch, fortunately (?) it gets more Infinity Engine in style quickly.

I too have some very subtle blurring on my text.

Are you a slow reader or something? I finished it in 15 seconds and I did all side content.

It was indeed available to be claimed on the backer site, sweet!

Yeah, looks a bit blurred to me too. It’s not all text, mind you. It’s kind of hard to describe, actually - it fews like some of the text is kind of fuzzy, like excessive antialiasing or something.

Anyway, it’s playable, but it is a bit weird.

This is exactly what I was hoping for when I backed, hoping it was a true successor to Planescape. I’m very heartened to read this.

I lowered the AA from High to medium/low and it did help a bit.

When do I get to change my portrait? I hate it.

Whenever you get the chance to replace your face. (Which I am not ruling out, the setting being what it is.) The Last Castoff is a defined (if malleable) character, not a player creation, and their appearance is their appearance.

30 minutes into the game and I’ve seen two typos. Trivial, but worrisome. Remember the PoE stat bug that wasn’t fixable without restarting the game?

This is the first game that I remember requiring a dictionary to play. I think I have a decent vocabulary, but they stumped me with ‘autochthonous’.

You clearly haven’t read nearly enough HP Lovecraft.

I played it tonight. No bugs that I could see. Lots of text. Only a few combats. Lots of running around from screen to screen. I completed a tier or whatever it is of xp gains. So far I think it’s pretty good, better than any other thing I’ve seen from Inxile so far. Not that that’s saying much.

7 hours in and I’m pretty impressed. Is there a way to instant fast travel from the map that I can’t find, because that would make the game work SOOOO much better.

Now imagine how it is for non-native speakers :).

To be fair though, I haven’t had much trouble myself, but I can see why certain groups of people would be upset about losing their preferred localization option.

I am digging the shit out of this… As I’ve said many times, after over 30 years in this hobby, my mantra is “Show me something new”, and Numenera does that in spades, from the world, to the leveling system, to the way various “crises” are resolved.

I just wish it had a hyerlink system along the lines of Tyranny. A world this detailed and unfamiliar, with a whole new vocabulary needs it. I’m particularly irked by having to consult the Wiki about what the changes in the Tide colors mean. That information should definitely be in-game.

So I only got 5-10m in last night, and maybe it’s just an issue of zoom, but is it just me, or does the opening scene with the pillars and stuff look like absolute ass? Like, I’m not looking for Crysis here (hell, the fact that that’s still my graphics gee whiz to go should tell you something), but the main character (I presume that’s who I’m clicking around) looks very low res, with what seems to be obvious “seams” in the character model and kinda jerky motion.

Dunno, but it stood out to me noticeably for whatever reason.