Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Left 4 Chaos

Steam page is up, not sure how long it has, but I wishlisted it now!

Remove the random (from the weaves) seems like literally the wrong direction to go in.

This game could have such stronger legs if it had a bit more procedural generation.

I bought this game but I’ve never really been able to get into it. Not that I’ve given it a fair shot, mind, it just hadn’t grabbed me.

Is the loot chase or progression/customization draws for this game, or mostly a garnish? Also, do people prefer mouse or gamepad? I’ve always played with KBM but the combat just feels like it has no weight or impact to it, it’s missing feedback. I’m wondering if a gamepad might help with that.

No, the loot chase is critical. Take out the levelling and the loot and you’re left with L4D, which bored me.

I play with M+K and find the combat visceral and fun. Seems to be plenty of weight and impact to me. When you can kill a rat in one shot versus two or three, I can feel it. When you have an armor piercing halberd and one-shot an armored rat with a hit to the head, I can feel that. Feels fucking great, in fact. :) Add dodges and blocks, and the combat flow is a ton of fun.

I’ve never tried a gamepad with this.

The progression system feels nice, to steadily be more powerful and capable of fighting in harder difficulties, but imo it isn’t the main attraction, the game itself is good enough. Drop the loot/progression, and I still would prefer it over L4D.

L4D lacks singing dwarves, for example :)

What weapons/classes did you play? Maybe it’s true for some of the finesse weapons like rapier or dagger, but I can’t see stuff like the 2h hammer or pickaxe feeling weightless.

Witch Hunter, I think? With a little bright wizard, IIRC.

Ah! Personally I think the swords/daggers feel pretty good as well, but it sounds like you need to play slayer + pickaxe, or kruber + halberd. Can’t really bisect rats or send them flying with a little sliver of metal.

I would assume @kevinc hasn’t unlocked Slayer. Witch Hunter Captain also has access to the Two Handed Sword, but I don’t recall which level you unlock it at.

Tough crowd! ;-)

I’d love to see a ‘flat’ loot-free mode in Vermintide because the gear chase and menu faff just gets in the way of the actual game for me. I love the risk/reward friction of collecting the grimoires and tomes though.

Try Bardin @KevinC with a two-hand weapon. I think he feels the most weighty and he’s certainly the most entertaining. (He also has the same English dialect as me which is rare to hear in a game!)

Even if you don’t care for the loot (I also didn’t, I just used whatever higher level of each weapon type), the game offers several different classes and subclasses that expand the gameply in ways that L4D did’t.

Thanks for the feedback, guys. I’ll give this another go then, probably once the expansion drops. The lack of any sort of classes or specialization turned me off in L4D and it was pretty weaksauce in the first Vermintide. When the second came out, I got distracted by other games and never played it past the beta weekend.

Sometimes I still pine for the mid-to-late aughts when most games didn’t need tacked on progression systems, loot, and unlocks. Left 4 Dead 2 used to be my most played game and I never felt like it needed progression; it stayed fresh for me. Sometimes it’s nice to know that you are starting on a level playing field (mechanics wise) with other players and not worry if you didn’t put in the time to have ultra-rare unlocks and are falling behind the meta-curve.

That’s already a losing battle.

For example the other day I was reading some news about how Apex Legends was already clearly behind Fortnite, and lots of people were commenting it was only natural, they had returned to Fornite because the progression and unlocks systems wasn’t rewarding enough in Apex to motivate them. It seems playing the game itself isn’t enough anymore!

For me it wasn’t the lack of progression, it was just the lack of roles or specialization. If the different characters had strengths and weaknesses I would have enjoyed it more. A scout, a demolitionist, a heavy weapons guy, etc.

You would like Deep Rock Galactic!

I own that! Just waiting for a couple friends to pick it up before diving in.

I know this won’t bother most people, but from a ‘friendly competitive’ point of view – because let’s face it: the stats at the end of a game are a lot of fun to compare when you’re playing with friends! – the class and loot system muddies that competitive aspect if a player has better gear as, say, a ranged class who can pick off all the rats and specials before Bardin’s little ol’ legs can get to 'em.

One of our friends has played this solo with randos so he’s ahead of us now on the power curve and that friendly competition isn’t quite as much fun when he tops most scores! In L4D there was no power curve so it was always exciting to see just how well (or badly!) everyone performed on a level playing field. I always loved that co-op competitive aspect.

The power curve has an end, weapons are capped at 300 power. Hell, veterans argue that’s when the real game starts.