Which iPhone X for you?

iPhone X owners, how many of these have you done inadvertently since you started using your X?

  • taken a screenshot
  • turned off the screen
  • hung up on a call
  • invoked Siri

I wish the power button wasn’t precisely where my hand wants to grip the phone when adjusting the volume (and vice versa). ;p

Granted, I do it the most when my phone is in a holder on my bike, which only exposes the sides to begin with.

Accidental screenshots all the time. No problems with the other ones.

Probably a half dozen accidental screenshots since December, none of the other problems.

Same as the last two people, a few screenshots. That’s it. Better question for me is how many times have you swiped up on your iPad to switch or close an app? I do that daily.

slowly raises right hand

I have not un-learned the correct behavior with my iPad of keeping my finger on the button to unlock it via TouchID, but I have caught myself making “eye contact” with it at the same time.

I think I have:

  • About a dozen or so accidental screenshots
  • Several accidental Siris (all while bike-mounted)
  • One accidental hang-up (I didn’t really want to talk to them anyway)

Company is selling a device to law enforcement that can unlock any iPhone, even disabled iPhones.


Right Bruce Schneier covered that – the scuttlebutt is that they have a way to disable lockouts on PIN retries, so they can retry PINs super super fast.

All the more reason to use a pass phrase if you value privacy.

Definitely, because if they have defeated retry lockouts, even a 6 digit pin is only “three days” of attempts per the article.

Which is funny with the tech press and financial analysts all saying it was a failure the week before. Not sure why anyone ever listens to financial analysts on anything. Pure guess work.

Yeah, tech and financial reporters are laying the groundwork for Apple’s fall from grace. They’re all predicting doom and gloom for every Apple launch, but iPhones get the brunt of it, or at least have for the last 3-4 years.

And yes, while iPhone sales are flat, they’re flat at 50+ million units PER QUARTER. The amount of money Apple is making is insane, but if they sell 2% fewer iPhones, so only 49 million this quarter, APPLE IS DOOMED!

To be fair, it’s not that Apple is doomed, as a company. It’s that Apple stock, as a growth vehicle, is no longer the best buy. Don’t mistake an analyst forecasting that Apple isn’t a good buy as some sort of indictment of the company, as a whole or as an ongoing concern. Rather, it’s a recommendation to a hypothetical investor as to whether they should put their marginal dollar into Apple, or some other asset.

I picked one up, a 64GB one.

Did you get a deal buying it this late in the cycle?

Yeah, I did. $350 off the upfront price and I kept my legacy plan by haggling with Retentions. Still not sold on Face ID and miss Touch ID.

When FaceID works it’s magical, it’s like your phone doesn’t have a password. When it doesn’t, not so much. Anyway, it’s supposed to be improved in iOS 12.

Face ID has been flawless for me, and since it works, I love it and would never want to go back. I know that some people have less reliable experiences though.