Why all the hate?

shakes fist at Bruce McCulloch

You son of a bitch!

Like, chicks are dudes too, man.

Dude, totally, dude.

“what idrisz said” – I think the bad global economy has put a lot of folks into a sour mood.

I’m sorry, I’ve heard all your rhetoric about gender identity and whatnot, but I just don’t agree. As far as I’m concerned if you were born a dude you will always remain a dude.

Aww, Pogo, I don’t hate you, I just thought you were wrong! No ill will! There is exactly 0 people I hate on this board (Well, maybe Lizard King every once in a while, but he’s what I call a relic. Relics tend to be assholes on Qt3).

The threads and polls calling out individuals is fairly new, but there was definitely a time when spectacular putdowns was a running theme, even a running competition, on the boards.

It all came to a head when Octopus Overlords had a thread about what a nasty place Qt3 was, and we had a thread about their thread, and their thread started responding to our thread. I don’t remember what year that was — 2005?

Dude, you must not be from the midwest, where you can actually address a group composed entirely of women as, “you guys,” and none of them even blink.

Did we ever find out which of you meanies made Gordon break his hand?

(no, my life is still too busy and exiciting to listen to the podcast to find out)

This is a true thing that makes me sad.

I’d say that the forum has gone from Usenet-style snarky meanness to webforum-style LOL!!! meanness.

(If you don’t understand the difference, you’re probably going to express your confusion with an animated GIF.)










you are part of the problem.

Let me tell you how much I’ve come to hate you since I began to live.

I confuse you with other people a lot. How are you different from extarbags?

What a cruel thing to say.

He’s probably even a supertaster.

Wow, this thread really delivers. Absolutely hilarious at times. If I’d known earlier, maybe I wouldn’t have tried to avoid the “Everthing Else” sub-forum for years.

Oh, and Brian, I haven’t noticed any major changes in attitude recently. (Though, remember, I usually don’t read the Everything Else threads). Every once in a while we get some new PC-only Gamers who are very vehement in their beliefs about consoles, but they all calm down after a while. I’d like to think it’s the influence the rest of us have on them when they realize no one else is throwing a fit.

This just reminds me how much I sometimes miss DeepT.

I would also argue this place used to be meaner - and I helped! But it does sort of cycle and there have been several threads like this in qt3’s history.