Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem - ARPG, CryEngine

Haven’t done it, but I assume it is based off the same skill level. I could see where it could be useful, for instance you could have two versions of the railgun, one normal and one that gets bigger as you charge it.

I wonder if duplicated skills have a shared cooldown

@LeeAbe I think you can drag a skill onto one you want to be rid of, even if said skill is in your bar already. That skill will just move.

I did encounter my first non-trivial bug: had a small side instance where the map geometry was all messed up and I couldn’t move around.

My skill level bonuses have been boring so far. +10% damage, 2 second quicker cool down (from 9s to 7), and another +10% damage. I can choose one of those 3. I do hope it gets more interesting.

You can see the options. But yes, they do get more interesting. Not quite like Diablo3, perhaps, but you get to combine these once you get more points , more like gems in poe.

Is a staff the only weapon with a willpower generator native attack?

Hmm, seems the game does want to railroad you into hybrid builds. There are few willpower generators (staves, pots and a few skill tree options), so you kind of need a rage spender to convert back to willpower.

Staves are the only item to have willpower generation and the only item on which the affix to accelerate the natural rage to willpower over time conversion.

Too early to say whether that’s good or bad, but something to be mindful of if, like me, your first toon was willpower focused.

Just picked this up and played a few hours, it’s really purdy and it runs fantastic. Just gorgeous.

I rolled a Mage and I’m having fun with her spells, but I wonder if there are any “buff” spells in the game? Like Flame Shields or the like? Just curious. I like to have spells like that with my Mage types.

My caster shifted dramatically. It seemed I could never really run out of willpower and then once I could wear rings everything changed and I run out of willpower all the time. But I am doing a lot more damage as well. I don’t know if you have to go hybrid because casting does seem to very powerful, but I might give it a try. Of course then I need to rethink my whole passive plan…

I do feel the game could use a bit more polish and balancing. I get 30 melee weapons for every 1 caster weapon drop. Even if you do go hybrid, there aren’t a lot of equipment choices on the caster side of things. Then there are things like endurance that aren’t mentioned anywhere, but I have 4 endurance dots that sometimes go down, but it never seems to make difference. As pretty as the game is, it feels kind of rough. I am still struggling to see how everything ties together.

I haven’t found any, but I have 2 caster skills and about 10 melee skills. Bow skills seem even more obscure.

The dots above the bar on the left are the dodge charges. There’s actually a section of the ranged passive on I think the second ring that can add one and some after that can increase damage if you have full charges or if you have fewer.

There’s a lot of interesting stuff like that scattered around.

Really? It says endurance when you hover over it with no additional info in the tool tip. That makes sense though, so thank you. I was wondering what the limit on rolling was.

And another thing, the passive thing is really boring. It’s a bunch of dots of minor stat bonuses. In Grim Dawn I am excited to get a new shrine point. In this game it is something like a 5% caster speed bonus or a 10% chance of elemental affliction (whatever they call it). I don’t feel more powerful after using it. It really feels like quantity over quality.

I am enjoying the game, but outside of it being pretty with interesting ideas, it feels like it needs more work.

The larger nodes tend to be more interesting, especially toward the outside of the wheel. However, unlike PoE there are some game-changing small nodes too.

I haven’t found that to be the case. I look at the major nodes and they seem kind of bland. In Grim Dawn there are always about 10 constellations I want. In this game nothing sounds that exciting. But I am starting to think I should play melee. I have 10 skills. 2 are caster. 7 are melee. 1 is bow, I think.

I had the opposite reaction, they seem pretty impactful to me. By the time I was level 12, I’d probably doubled my cast speed, all my projectiles pierce through a target, do 175% more damage at range, etc. That feels a lot more than what I’d get midway to the Act 1 warden in Grim Dawn.

Speaking of act one, my ranger character got to the end of act one and the boss is kicking my butt left and right. It’s pretty frustrating since she has breezed through the content up to now. But I did read that the bosses… The end of act bosses… Are very tough and I will verify that is true!

Also, as an FYI, the offline character data is stored as a text file so it is pretty trivial to edit it and to do things like give yourself unlimited money or give yourself a free respec. I copied a character to try different build and after a little fiddling it worked fine. Though it’s sort of a disaster to try to do a specific character build at level 20 when you don’t have all the skills! Ziggy D has a YouTube video up about it if anyone wants to pursue that.

OK last consecutive post this thread… I promise! With my duplicated character I ran into a dungeon to try out some skills and wouldn’t you know it I ran into a vendor in the dungeon who had some awesome stuff for sale including a legendary. Unfortunately it was right after I had spent all my money in town buying skills, so I was unable to purchase the item. But now that I think about it, I might not have had enough money to buy the legendary in the first place. It sure did look nice though.

I have no doubt they add up, but when I get a point to spend, they definitely aren’t exciting. I would rather fewer points and bigger bonuses when I do.

Leveling up isn’t fun for me. Partly because I don’t understand the underlaying systems, partly because I think they are over doing it. Ten attributes to spend and a huge map of passives (that rotates) is just a slog for me. In other games like this, leveling up is fun for me.

I think a lot of this is because I don’t understand the game’s systems. I am having fun, but I think the game needs a manual, help system, or better tool tips. Plus as I said, it’s not balanced at all, I might be just getting unlucky, but I am getting a ton of melee based stuff and few things outside of that.

My years spent playing ARPGs has taught me that no matter what class I play, I’ll only find items for other classes. If I want to find bows, I need to roll up a Barbarian or something. :)

When do item qualities higher than “yellow” (rare) drop? Is this one of those games, like Diablo III, where legendary items can drop at any time or is it more like they only drop post-story?