Xcom 2

One thing I am reminded of in my current campaign is just how wrong they got it with psi soldiers. It’s really my only major complaint with WotC.

Now that I can build the psi facility I don’t really care. I’ve got most of my soldiers to colonel and have researched everything important. In my opinion, either the psi facility should have been available at the start, psi abilities should be intrinsic to existing soldiers once discovered, or training should be a lot quicker. I’m sure there’s probably a mod out there that fixes this. I’ll have to look.

Yeah, not sure what they were thinking with Psi but it’s badly implemented.

When I get the facility I take 2 recruits and just leave them there till they have their abilities maxed. Which amusingly it tends to be at a point I don’t need them anyway so I just use them for giggles and bring one on the last mission.

Felt very much like a placeholder to me.

Maybe it’s a catchup mechanism. If you lose a bunch of your colonels you can still progress using the OP psi troopers

What would you guys prefer with the psi units? You can use them if you want, or you can not use them if you want. (Except for the ways in which they’re required to finish the game – it’s been a while for me but you need psi guys to win, right?)

I’m fine with that. The game introduced a new unit, you can use it a lot or not, and you have to use it at least a little if you want to win.

Well, I mean my 2 cents would be if you’re going to have them in the game get them in earlier.

You don’t however need them to complete the last mission.

Having them just sit in a room getting powers is pretty odd imho. I would think if you wanted to go this route you’d have the research reveal who has latent PSI powers and then upon that reveal have them get say one or two abilities and thru usage on missions they rank up to more powers just like everyone else has to earn their power ups.

Sitting in a room becoming a god is just, well, bizarre. And completely out of line with how the rest of your team rank up.

I disagree. The psi chamber is using alien tech to train psi soldiers.

As the rest of the team occasionally passes by the psi training area, they hear screams and yelling. And indeed something pulling… reaching… into their minds. The shielding is good, but not perfect. Eventually the regular troops avoid the general area. But as the psi candidates grow in power, they learn to control their abilities. Then they get their amplifiers. For a short while everyone in the ship has nightmares. About ethereal creatures. Then one day the nightmares stop. And the new psi troopers emerge from their chamber. They look like the friends that they knew. But their eyes are burning. Their hair is pure white. They have been marked. Forever.


While it’s unlikely anyone still needs XCOM 2, it’s basically free on Steam until the 24th.

“Let those who do not have, get.”
–Luke 4:12

It’s a penny less on GOG. Don’t laugh, people on this forum are obsessed with “historical lows!”

More importantly, though, you actually get to own it and not rent it this way.

No, you really don’t. All paid software is ‘rented’.

Sure, you get an installer that’s not tied to a specific client app, but buying through GOG doesn’t give you special ownership rights over the software you license there vs software you license through Steam etc.

Technically correct.

In reality, you have the file and can install and run it without asking a server for permission.

I’m using “own” conversationally, to mean every sense that matters, but again, you are technically correct.

The ability to install mods from steam workshop is worth a penny.

That’s still not what “own” means.

Nice! We agree that I’m using “own” conversationally, to mean every sense that matters, but again, you are technically correct. Problem solved! :)

Anyway, anyone playing Xcom 2 lately? It rules!

I mean, being able to install and run the game without asking permission isn’t ownership, conversational or otherwise. You can get that from a torrent site.

This part is correct.

On my second playthrough after not playing for a couple years. It does indeed rule. :)

Man I wish there was a working mod to shut Bradford up. The ones that I have, yes for WOTC, do not work. The ones that I just searched through either have warnings in the comments that they fuck up your game, or do a bunch of things that I don’t need or want. One needs a second mod installed that changes game code.

I would even edit an .ini file if I had any idea how.

I use a keyboard that has a mute button on it for this very reason! I make quick work of Bradford and anyone else saying the same thing over and over.

That’s an interesting thought. I have a Fn mute on my keyboard as well. I’ll try it out, thanks!