XMen 3: The Last Stand

Yet half the trailer seems to be showing superman as a boy, in a barn, in cornfields, with his parents. That, and the entire cast seems to have magically lost about 20 years

Which trailer did you watch? I saw maybe 5 seconds of young Clark.

Mutant Apocalypse. It seems to go with the times. That government asserted privelege of spying on anyone at any time for any reason.

Constitution: Shredded.

Brandon Routh is actually about the same age Christopher Reeve was when he did the first Superman movie.

Christopher Reeve’s didn’t have to pull off becoming Superman + having an extended superman career + 5 or more years in space. If this movie was an origin, like Batman Begins, Routh could look the right age. The story calls for someone who is 35-40 years old (especially for Lois who looks like she is in freakin high school)

Real people can’t fly or shoot laser beams out of their eyes either…

At some point your suspension of disbelief needs to kick in. I propose that you have yours set too high.

I’m pretty sure I read an interview with Singer where he said that they had to cast young because the main actors are signed for another 2 movies.

I can buy the Supeman can fly and shoot laser beams because thats what his character has always don’t. With in its established universe, the rules make sense and I can run with it. However now I’m suppose to buy that Superman is from Ork and reverse ages? Oh wait, he was a young kid in smallville and grew up, then after hitting 40, he began reverse aging himself?

Then we have Lios Lane. A woman who grew up, went to college, got a job in journalism, worked her way up to be one of the top people in her field, and an ongo relationship with Clark Kent/Superman, gets pregnant, gives birth to a child and 5 years later somehow she looks 17.

My suspension of disbelief can’t over come shameless marketing ploys towards the young.

Don’t buy it one bit.

OK - this one I have to give to Rob. Superman’s youthful appearance can be explained away by his near-invulnerability to everything, including aging, but Kate Bosworth is about 15 years too young for the part. However, this does add credibility to the idea for everyone being cast young for the sequels.

You guys really want a 60-year-old Margot Kidder playing Lois? The 30-year-old Kidder was disturbing enough.

Margot Kidder was always disturbing. ;) But surely there has to be at least ONE actress out there that’s hot AND over 30.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Bea Arthur. BEA ARTHUR!

Well, it’s official that this move lives up to our lowest expectations, according to the early reviews posted at Aint-it-cool-news – they’re far more likely to overrate a movie like this than to pan it, so it must REALLY suck.

Why does she even need to be “hot”?

Aint it cool news is overly negative about anything. Every positive review ia met with howls of “plant” so they post every few positive reviews of anything. Yeah the movie probably isn’t that good but going but AICN is normally a bad site to judge a movie by. Look at my Superman thread. The first review at AICN was negative and they have since reverse and been super positive

Uh, what “reviews” at AICN of Superman?

I saw this one - I was looking for the “super-negative one” you referenced - there’s just a reference to a fake review they didn’t run. Like I said, AICN are generally drooling fanboys, which give every sci-fi/fantasy movie positive reviews pre-release (hell, they loved the American Godzilla). So the fact that they’re running predominately negative reviews on X-men 3 confirms it must really suck.

To put it another way, there are tons of movies that AICN posted mainly positive reviews on prior to release, which actually turned out to be really bad movies. But there are NO/NONE/NADA examples of AICN posting mainly negative reviews of a movie that actually turned out to be pretty good.

So it’s official - X-men 3 is a huge step down from the previous movies in the series and a major disappointment.

They’re running predominately negative reviews because they received one positive review that turned out to be fake. On this basis they’re refusing to post any more positive reviews. Harry said as much in the update to the post containing the fake review.

That’s not to say it doesn’t really suck, just that AICN aren’t really an accurate guage of quality.

That didn’t stop Harrison Ford from making Indiana Jones 4, or Sean Connery from making Never Say Never Again.