The Assorted "WTF, 2021?" Thread

They are indeed insidious. Recently I was having issues with my internet speed not matching up to what I normally expect, and occasionally losing connection altogether for a few seconds. Communication with Central Command was sub-optimal. After trying all of the various fixes with rebooting routers, clearing IP cache, etc. I decided to investigate at the source. I opened the phone/cable box in my front yard and discovered it had been infiltrated by the enemy! They had set up a listening post / nest in my communications terminal! I armed myself with chemical and melee weapons and dispatched the foul things, removing their biomatter from my communications array. Internet speeds returned to normal immediately thereafter.

Seriously though, the little bastards had made a nest in the box where my phone and cable pass from the street to the house, and were somehow shorting the lines, causing occasional drops and a marked slowdown in throughput speeds. Everything returned to normal after clearing them out. This is the second time in about 5 years that’s happened. I’m going to need to start spraying inside the box every spring to dissuade them from moving in.

May I suggest napalm next time.


Wow, that’s wild. You wouldn’t naturally think of that kind of cause/effect.

He was Dracula in Waxwork! Heretic!

Same here. :)

And the name of our lunatic who pulled over and interrupted Shaquille Brewster’s weather report with his lunacy is Benjamin Eugene Dagley. He’s from Wooster, Ohio and shouldn’t have been down in Mississippi because he’s on probation for drilling holes in chemical tanks (!) and assault. Lotta crazy indeed.

More here:

A reason to cite the greatest thread of all time.

I don’t even need to hover over that link to know where it leads.

Ohio, the Florida of the Midwest.

then what is Indiana and Missouri? The Mississippi and Alabama of the midwest?

Geographically I think you flipped those right to left, but yes.

Yea, but no. was going culturally. Missouri is worse than Indiana, as Alabama is worse than Mississippi.

Funny you should say that. I’ve seen some Missourians disparaging their home state as North Alabama.

I’m sorry Alabama. I know you have some good, intelligent people.

Fake school gets wrecked on ESPN.


She said that a long time ago when she acknowledged that Hermione was a bit of a stand-in for her desires in school.

Did you guys just spoil the Harry Potter books? And I just started reading them.


There was actually just a fire in the historic buildings in Edinburgh where Rowling wrote parts of her work. Always sad when old buildings catch fire. It’s like they made it this far but finally failed their save.

Hard to figure out where this goes:

Someone is going to get killed by these economically anxious people.