Need a recommendation for a new DS GAME

Going on a trip and I’m looking for something good to take with me. I’d like a recommendation for a pick up and go game and one with a little more meat.

SMT: Devil Summoner is both. At the same time.

The Dark Spire is the latter.

If you don’t like RPGs, then I have nothing.

Need alittle more detail about your preferences as I, as well as many other qt3ers could go on listing games :)


Has anyone tried Dawn of Discovery on the DS?

I find it a little odd that the Anno 1701 conversion to the DS was subtitled Dawn of Discovery and then Anno 1404 in North America is renamed Dawn of Discovery. WTF, Ubisoft? Think we didn’t notice?

Anyway, anyone out there played DoD? Either? Both?

I have lot of the staples.
Mario kart
Phoenix Wright Series

I was thinking of getting a good puzzle or RPG.
some I know of that I think I might like.
World ends with you
Puzzle Quest
FF tactics 2a or the like

The World Ends With You
Dragon Quest V
Just started SMT: Devil Summoner so not sure how good that will be, but so far so good.
Chrono Trigger

Puzzle Quest
Blood Bowl

Yeah, I’ve decided to start keeping an actual list:

Er, the list is probably most useful if you start with the more recent threads and work your way backwards.

  • Alan